I would recommend parents and students to go on the tours that the college or university offers. After that, though, take a tour without the tour guides. Along the way, talk to students walking around the campu s about anything you have questions about or just their overall opinion on the school. Speaking with students directly usually leads itself to more honest, heartfelt answers that could be a lot more helpful to the search in the right school. As a variation, after taking your own tour, allow the potential student to go on their own for an hour or two. This will allow them to get a feel for the campus on their own terms, and helps them see if they could be happy there. Along the way, they should ask more questions to current students, as they will give an even more honest response without the potential student's parents listening.
Time management is the best skill that an undergraduate student can learn. Acheiving academic sucess is important, but knowing how to balance that with extra-curriculars that truly interest them and allow them to take a "break" from the stress of work to experience a social life on campus with other students and building relationships with different groups of people is extremel important. Also you should attend a school that not only best fits with the interest of study, in a school size that the student is comfortable in, and with the best financial aid package (based on scholarships and not loans). The most important thing is that the student should not attend a school just because it is "well-known" because it may be the completely wrong fit for them.
Make sure to vist the college and don't just stay on the tour, go to classes, walk around it yourself.
Choose a school that seems to have a lot of diversity and where indivisuals of different diversities spend time together. Also, choose a school that isn't exactly ahead of the crowd in all ways. It is nice to have the opportunity to create change on your campus, which would be hard if that change has already happened. Furthermore, choose a school which offers a variety of majors and minors. Even if you already know what you want to do, it is nice to have lots of options if you change your mind. Also, consider schools with a wide range of different social scenes. It is nice to go to fraternity parties sometimes, but that can certainly get boring. Also, one of the things that I most like about my school is that it offers Theme Houses, where students can choose to live with people who have similar interests to themselves. They offer a wonderful alternative social scene.
Visit and stay over at each college you are looking at. You received the best picture and sample of the college campus when you stay with a host-student that attends the college. This is more of an uncensored view of the college, as compared to the build up of a college tour.
Consider all possible schools of different sizes and types to ensure that you will find a place that you can fit in with the community. Smaller schools guarantee that professors will know your name and that you will be tought by professors and not teacher's assistants. Now that you are not in high school and your extra curricular activities will not affect your college applications, take advantage of the clubs and activities on your college campus that you are truly interested in.
For me it was all about where I could see myself sleeping, eating, running, learning, and making friends. For the student, you need to pick a school that is right for you and you feel comfortable. Also if you show interest the school will show interest back because they love to see kids who will love the school. Don't get behind on essays and applications. Keep on top of due dates and get things done early. Visit as many schools as you can and interview where possible. Many schools use the Common application now and waive the application fee if you apply online. Take advantage of that, applications can get expensive and it will just be a few extra dollars saved. Make sure you keep grades up even after you are accpeted, no one wants a slacker. Make and keep contact with alumni, friends, admissions and anyone else you may know at the school, you never know who will walk into admissions and drop your name. Wherever you end up your college experience is what you make of it. This is the best four years of your life. Do what you love to do. Good Luck!
Make sure you look for everything that you want. No matter what make those four years count because you will never have them back!
Finding the right college is all about finding what feels right. Don't just look for the most prestigious college; look for the college where you fit in and feel comfortable. Visiting campuses while students are in session is absolutely necessary. I suggest eating in the dining hall and looking around. If you feel as though you would fit in with the people around you, that is a good start. Of course there is a lot more that should go into your final decision, but fitting in and being happy is the key to a happy and successful college experience. Once you get to college, make sure to try new things. Obviously this sounds very cliche, but it's a great way to meet new people and learn what you truly enjoy.
Finding the right fit of a school is a dauntign task. As a transfer student to Union College, a small and friendly Northeast liberal arts school I learned the hardships of both starting anew in an environment unlike your former school, a large research and career focused University in Philadelphia, PA. The most important part of the process is the visit. Nothing will ever be 100{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} right with a school - those telling you life is perfect at their college may be on the fast track to delusion land, but that does not mean college cannot be a great and rewarding experience. Never be afraid to go out and meet different people unlike those you may have associated with previously. Try new things. Join the weird clubs. Get active. Volunteer and be original. If there's something you don't like, take the action to change it yourself. Join the student government and get vocal. Have fun. Study. Try to do those at the same time, it may be sometimes hard. Rememeber school comes first and everything will be alright.