Union University Top Questions

Describe the students at Union University.


My classmates are friendly, caring, dynamic, and have the mindset to accomplish their goals.


I am enrolled in the Honors program which contains very particular types of personalities each with a high intelligence level. Even in my general classes though, my classmates are motivated to do the work that is set before them and to understand the material.


They are super nice, helpful, caring, and dedicated


I believe that I am among a great campus of servants of God who are among the students and faculty and it is a priveledge to serve with them.


They are a group of students who are seeking a personal relationship with God, and they want to grow in that relationship through worship, fellowship with other students, and expanding their minds through academic studies. They have an uderstanding that God has given us many opportunities to serve the Kingdom in many different ways, and they seek to find their specific calling and pursue that goal educationally to go out into the world and spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ.


I have made some really good friends over the past semester. Union University is a Christian school, so many of my friends want to use their talents to glorify the Lord. There a lot of people from Tennessee that go to that school.


My classmates are friendly, caring, ambitious, intelligent people who are concerned about the world-at-large and actively pursue diverse interests.


Most students are Christian (baptist). There are a lot of missionary kids, pastors kids, and international students. Most students are predominately right winged with political views. A majority of students want to go into missions after graduating of some manner.


My classmates at Union University are caring, focused, kind, and encouraging to their fellow students.


My classmates are people who are very concerned with helping and ministering to people around the world and community. They love to relax and have fun by hanging out around the area. My classmates are also very involved with school work and work very hard at what they do.