I am a 44 yr old mother of 2. My attending college will be most valuable to my family's future.
I have learned some very important lessons through my college experience thus far. I believe that coming to college and being away from home has taught me to live independently and be okay on my own. I love my family very much so it was definitely a struggle to get used to the new lifestyle. Being in a new environment is also difficult, but the people I have met here at Union have been absolutely amazing and have been some of the most kind and accepting people I have ever met. This is truly a once in a lifetime experience and would not ever change it for the world. I believe this school is mentally and physically preparing me for the real world and to be the best I can be as a nurse one day. This is going to be an incredible journey and I cannot wait to see how it plays out!
I would tell myself to learn how to study better because studying in high school is completely different from studying in college. Studying in college is harder and takes more time than it did in high school. I would also prepare myself how to write papers better, because I really didn't write enough papers in high school to prepare myself for writing in college.
To not wait to go to college and to enjoy being single and meeting people and getting to know all different cultures.
As a college student, I have gone through many changes. The biggest change, I believe, has been be taking on more responsibility and adjusting to being on my own. Going away to an out of state, private school has force me to take on the role of an independent adult. I have had to learn how to function and live completely on my own. I no longer have my parents there for every little thing I need, which is a change in itself. I left my whole family and all my friends. I have had to adjust to being out of my comfort zone. I have met new people and built new relationships which have been another change I have had to adjust to. Meeting new people has broadened my world. Having already transitioned into this new college life, I would go back and tell myself, as a senior in high school, to work hard. Even though it is senior year and senioritis has taken over your body, you do not want to get behind, especially not in college. If you think it is bad getting behind in high school, it gets even worse in college.
Be flexible! Life is not all about you, and college is definitely not about you. Remember that you are part of a community. Form friendships that will last. Don't be catty and dramatic. Work hard to keep your GPA up. It's worth it in the long run. Love your roommates and remember that you don't have to live with them forever. Listen carefully to the advice of the upperclassmen. They know what they are talking about. Above all, be yourself. You are fun to be around and you have wisdom to share. Love everyone. Keep being you and you'll be just fine.
Be prepared for the workload, but don't be too worried about it. While it is higher level work, there is still that sort of transition to help you ease into the workload of college. Don't let the classes be intimidating. Most professors are there to help you, contrary to popular belief. Also, be ready to write. In your freshman year of college, a 3-5 pager paper due every couple of weeks is very normal. But, again don't sweat it. You can make it thorugh and do a good job.
Breathe. Everything will work out fine. You do not have to have your whole life figured out now. Take things in steps. First, find a college that you love and that will support and love you back. Once you are at that college, chill out. Do not worry about your major or things like where you will sit in the cafeteria. A major will come. Try a lot of things, find your passion. Once you find where you fit, that place where you shine, major in it. Pursue what makes you happy and what makes you feel fulfilled. Do not worry about making friends or about dorm life. Everyone is in the same boat. People need a friend just like you need one too. Be open to new people, and be open to new experiences. Be patient with your roommates. Dorm life takes practice, but it is blast! Above all else, pray. With prayer, you will find the peace that only God can give. He will guide and protect you. He will give you hope.
"College is like a fountain of knowledge, and the students are there to drink." Many believe that college is the perfect ending to a long educational career where the diligent student can make something of himself. Others think that college is just an excuse to get out of mom and dad's house for a little while and to get a little taste of independence. Having been homeschooled my entire life, i was excited about leaving the house and getting to live on my own. But looking back on my first semester of college, i would advise my younger self to take school much more seriously. Instead of hanging out with friends for hours, i should have some study time inserted into my day as well. i took college for granted and did not apply myself as well as i should have. I ardently desire to go back and experience my first semester over again, mainly to improve my grades, perform at a higher level , and drink deep from the fountain of knowledge.