University at Buffalo Top Questions

What do you consider the worst thing about University at Buffalo? Why?


The classes are really big and it takes time getting used to them if you come from a small town such as I did.


Probably the wind. It's extremely windy around the buildings in the winter, and it always feels like the wind is blowing at my face instead of my back.


You can't use a meal from your meal plan for lunch.


Being such a big school, it is a bit harder to fit into one specific group than it would be at a smaller school.


Weather, quality of some facilities, too many distractions from academics.


Diversity. I grew up in a mostly white, middle class town and had little interaction with other races. I had high hopes for UB when I heard it was so diverse to make new friends of various cultures and backgrounds but instead felt quite out of place when approaching them. Individuals seem fine, just not overly enthusiastic to meet diverse people, but the Student Assosiation clubs for ethnic groups is very closed and feels very unwelcoming to those looking to learn of that culture.


Not diverse enough




The worst thing about our school is the size of our classes. It is because it is a state university,but our faculty tries their best to interact with the students directly or through assistant teachers.


The size of the school is very big and I felt overwhelmed at times. It is also extremely difficult to find a parking spot.