University at Buffalo Top Questions

What's the one thing you wish someone had told you about freshman year?


Nothing, all came in due time.


How quickly the four years goes by.


I wish my high school had a focus in Engineering. I would have been able to better choose my major instead of playing catch up when I finally realized what I wanted to major in.


That the library has a lot of the course text books available so you dont have to spend so much money buying books that you will never read again once the class is finished.


I wish I had known how long it takes for financial aid to kick in. I had to pay very late in each semester so far to get by because of not hearing back from financial aid about my loans and grants.


How cold it would be- nearly everyday. When it's not cold, it's raining.


There are a lot of people, and alot of them will help you, all you have to do is ask.


I wish i had know that is bad to live on campus. it's hard to leave with people who have opposite life style than you. i wish i had know that is better if you know how to drive. I wish I had know the expense to study here is that expensive. If i know i think i will not study in suny buffalo.


more about clubs and the resources available to students such as in the library.


It's always overcast, and you need a car to get around.