University at Buffalo Top Questions

What's unique about your campus?


the many lybrary's


The athletic facilities.


I think there is a really strong emphasis on academics at this school. I can always find a friend who wants to go to the library to study with me, and when I do go to the library there are always many other students studying too. Most people are goal-oriented and really focused on their future.


The opportunities that are available their. UB opens up so many opportunities to its students; Classes, Research, Community Involvment, Jobs, Life long friendships, Learning, Talented Professors, Tutoring, Financial assistance, Free transportation and much more. I feel that chosing to attend UB was the best decision of my life. I feel that it has opened so many doors of opportunities and has done such an amazing job preparing me for life after college. UB college of possibilities and opportunities


The registration process and the way the acedemic buildings are set up are both very useful to students. It is easy to register for the classes you need and want, and then it is easy to find those classes and get around on campus.


Learning is easy with all of the handon activities and assignments. If you do the work it's easy to pass the classes.


SUNY Buffalo campus has so much to offer, more than you know what to do with it. The best thing is the campus life. If you are a motivated individual who looks for things to keep yourself busy,outside schoolwork, you will find it.


I love UB because I have become a very well-rounded student since I've enrolled. Since there is a high level of diversity here I am exposed to so many new ideas and beliefs about life and I have become more open and accepting as a person because of that. I look forward to waking up every morning because I am confident that I will be surrounded by a positive environment and there is always an opportunity to learn something new.


There are a wide variety of options academically.


The level of details the materials covered go into are definitey a strong side of this school. For undergraduate programs, many subject and sub-subjects are covered.