University of Advancing Technology Top Questions

What should every freshman at University of Advancing Technology know before they start?


I have gotten a lot out of my college experience so far. I have made lots of new friends who will be able to help me out when I get into my industry of choice. Most of my professors are also great people who could possibly help me get a job in the future by referring me to a company that they know is hiring, putting in a good word for me at a past employer, or writing an official reference. I have also learned a lot about how to deal with working in the video game design industry as well as what I need to be able to do in order to be successful in the industry. This is all after only one semester, and I am sure I will be able to get even more out college if I can find the money to continue!


I have gotten the expierience of knowing just what to expect out of the teachers. I now know that I cannot slack off like in high school, I really have to work for what I want. I am really excited to just keep persuing my dream of working as a pediactric nursing. College classes have been the most rewarding expirience because i meet new people and see how they work and realize that even though I have my own ways of doing things, there are several ways of getting the same task done in newer, more creative, or faster ways. Meeting new people and new ideas is also very rewarding. Sometimes it does feel like high school with cliques and he said, she said situations but if it's ignored and you do what you feel is needed for yourself, it makes you time in college alot more rewarding.


I think freedom and being on your own for the first time is a big experience that relly opens your eyes. I will enjoy going to UAT and taking my fist steps to my future job.


There is nothing that can fully prepare a person for the shock of leaving their parents' home and entering complete independence. College is a unique experience, and is definitely good for transitioning between living with parents and the real world. There are still all the responsibilities that existed before, with all of the necessary schoolwork, so things definitely do not get easier. Instead, there are distractions caused by the new independence, so it is best to remember to work hard and focus more on schoolwork than anything else. The best advice I can give is to continue living life as you already are. College is not that different from living at home and going to high school, and should not be treated differently. Education is important for the future and should not be taken lightly. College is fun, but it is best to not lose track of why you are really there, to gain knowledge and, in the end, contribute more to the world when you are done.


I would give the advice to take more credits per semester, apply for more scholarships, and to take advantage of auditting. With the college being as expensive as it is, it's crucial to get as much in as possible in a short time. There's a lot of classes that I wanted to take that I missed out on because I didn't realize I could audit them and learn the content without them counting against my credit limit. Other than that, I would tell myself to work towards what I wanted to achieve, rather than doing only the classwork early on.


If I knew back then to what I know now, I would be more prepared for college. I started college at a later age rather then as soon as I got out of high shool. I had received my GED rather then my high school diploma. I wish I could have graduated with my high school diploma and go right into college. I have had a rough life and starting all over has been tough. With the economy today, which I didn't expect back then could have been totally different. I could have had a good job and have my Associate's Degree on my shoulders. I love the college life, but I think it would have been better back then. I have three kids with one on the way and I just wish I could have went to college.


If I could go back in time I would tell myself to learn how to get out of my comfort zone. During high school I never took risks when it came to meeting new people or trying new things. I liked sticking to what I already knew because that was the easiest to do. If I would have stepped outside of my comfort zone in high school, my transition to college would have went much smoother. My first couple weeks in college weren't the greatest because I didn't have the ability to get out and meet new people. Due to my inability to make new friends, I became home sick and slightly depressed. Fortunately, my roommate helped me through the funk by taking me under his wing. He introduced me to people that I would have never approached on my own, and I began to have fun for a change. The whole experience made me realize exactly what I could miss out on if I didn't get out there and experience what college has to offer.


Go ahead and get your gen ed done at the local school like you were planning on doing. And then, just as you are already going to do, suddenly transfer out to that game design school in Arizona to follow your dreams. After discovering that game design is not for you, you will want to trasnfer a second time, to an art school in California to study 3D animation; go ahead and do that. Money will become your biggest obstacle, so, like you are already going to do, try your hardest to get scholarship money to help your dad pay for your expensive schools. So really, I have no advice to give you, but keep going the way you're going and follow your dreams and aspirations. Like my dad told me: "At least try to end up doing something that you love, and if it doesn't work out, then at least you can say that you tried. I made that mistake."


Tuition is difficult to pay for. Scholarships definitely help alleviate this cost. One should do as much as one can while in High School to provide a more diverse resume. Having a diverse resume provides one with more options. Honestly, I did not do all that I could have done. I could have actually tried out for sports. I could have done more community service. I could have been apart of groups and clubs. Instead, I chose not to. Instead, I chose to sit around and play games when I had free time from my job and school. This is my only regret I have in life. The work that I chose not to do at the time would have helped me greatly in the present. If I could go back in time, I would encourage myself to be more active. I had opportunities, and I messed up.


If i could go back in time and give my old senior self some advice it be to start doing extracuricular activities like clubs, honors society, or whatever there is available to help me be more elligable for scholarships. I would also tell myself to ignore trying to be socially popular in school and just concentrate on learning as much as possible to make college less impactful to my brain, because you end up not seeing your high school buds very often after you graduate anyways. Another thing i would tell myself is to watch out for tunnel vision and to not just concentrate on a single class while the others suffer but, to spread it all out evenly because it will reduce the overall stress impact. Also I would tell myself to talk to your teachers as much as possible on stuff you dont understand and write down everything you see because it will save your hide later on even if it seems unnecessary. Overall though i would tell myself to stay positive and no matter how bad it seems I am able to get through it somehow.