University of Advancing Technology Top Questions

What should every freshman at University of Advancing Technology know before they start?


I would give anything to go back in time and talk to myself when I was a high school senior! If I could I would tell myself to stop concentrating on my job so much, pay attention in high school, and apply for college. I?m 30 years old now and although I?m very thankful for all my experiences. I know that I should not have taken a break between high school because it made it much too easy to keep putting off going back to school with all of the work and life distractions. It makes me sad to think that I could have graduated by now. I know that I can?t go back so I?ll just keep going forward and get the degree I should obtained years ago!


College will be no problem for you. Academically, you can handle whatever they dish out, but you need to choose a major that will actually take you places. You have some time to experiment the first couple years, but you need to gear yourself toward a particular field. Consider something with broad applications as a base and then pick up specialized training later. You should have a handle on the practical concerns, but we need to talk about the social aspect of college life. This loner act of yours, knock it off. You're going to have to learn to work with people out in the real world, so you better get to practicing now. I would hate to see you find yourself in the Army and learn to rely on other people that way. Fix that personality flaw of yours and you might just come out of this a well-adjusted individual. You can do this. You might even be crazy enough to go back and do it again.


The advice I would give myself, is the same that my mother was trying to get me to see which is; taking college courses while in High School at our local community college so that this would help me by not paying for these courses at the college level. Also, I would add that taking any AP courses while in High School is a big boost as well. I can see now that; if I had taking action to obtain these courses, then my over all cost to my education would be much less. I did however, elect to take my General courses at the community college so my cost would be less than at the private level. I would not only advise my self this; but others as well. I would also try to work more hours and save more for college expenses.


If I could go back in time I would tell myself to pay attention, study more, and to get better grades in school so that I would've been eligible for more scholarships and financial aid. I would also tell myself to fill out as many scholarships as possible.


Make sure that you really want to go to school for whatever you choose.


If you can have an idea of what you want, that make a huge differance. If you don't know pick a school that has a lot to offer to increase your chances of findind something that messes well with you. If you get along with your family try for a school that is far enough away that you are free to live, but close enough you can visit. Take the classes you sign up for seriously, you're paying enough for them. If at all possible don't skip classes, it only hurts you. Another reason not to skip classes is: Take the amount you payed for this semester (x) and divide it by how many classes you have (y) and you get (x/y=z) where (z) is how much you spent on each class, and if you skip you just tossed that amount of money in the trash. College gives you freedom to learn what you want, but you need to make the extra effort to go beyond the bookwork, this isn't high school, no one here is going to hold you hand.


Figure out your priorities. If you wish to just get a degree and get out then find a college that will have minimal distractions. If you want to get that "whole" college experience then I would suggest a school that is balanced among all degrees and cultures. And If you want to party go to ASU. Also, be sure to visit the college before you make your decision. Talk to a professor, sit in on a class, and stop a random student in the hall and ask them what their favorite part of the school is. If they blow you off that will tell you a thing or two about the student body. When you get to college, take it seriously but also enjoy it. College is so vastly different from both high school and the work world and is a crucial stepping stone between the two. But most importantly of all, find a college that you can picture yourself in and be proud to describe how college is going when your friends parents ask you how college is going while on break, believe me, they will.


If you know what you want to do for the rest of your life then look for a college that provides the right materials and classes. College is a very serious part of anyones life and my advice would be to always aim high and never give up. At times the financial stuff will make you feel overwhelmed but when you recieve that degree in your hands you have officailly made something of yourself and you can live to tell your children of your success.


Don't be lazy, it's been my biggest flaw, now I have to work 10 times as hard to catch up and my GPA looks like a 5 car pile up.


Know what you want from school before starting. A clear objective makes for a focussed mind.