If I were able to get one do over in life it would be high school. I have to admit I didn't apply myself enough during my high school years. I wish I studied harder, more involved in activities and sports. Not to say that I didn't do good in school, but I know I could have done better, if I just tried harder. Grades, sports participation and extra circular activities during school are so important, now more than before. All of those contribute to a persons traits and characteristics. They build your motivation, self esteem, teach responsibility, and team work. I feel if I worked harder, I wouldn't have to work so hard right now. I feel that I wasn't focused enough on what I should been focused on. School. I had a part time job, but didn't continue to work because I didn't feel that it was important at the time. I take blame and regret what I did not accomplish in high school, like better grades and staying on the swim team. But I am changing that now. I am working on bettering myself and my future.
I would tell myself to pick a major and make sure that is what you want to do because if you go into college undecided, or you constantly change your major you will be at risk of running out of money if you are using financial aid to fund the cost of college. If you are not sure exactly what you want to major in get out there and network and talk with people. Figure out which career interests you most then talk with your advisor to devise an academic plan. Also, college is expensive. Do not take out loans if you do not need to and maintain an exceptional GPA. By maintaining a reasonable GPA you will be eligible for more scholarships and subject to possible invitations to honor's society and scholarship programs. Enjoy your college experience but make sure academics is your number one priority, because in the end that's all that matters.
My, or our, life is busy right now because of my decisions right out of high school. If I may, I'd like to give you a few words of advice. If you continue to decide to got to the Pittsburgh Institute of Aeronautics, do not quit. You'll get sick, but you can keep going. At the very least, immediately transfer to the University of Akron or Ohio State. You are way too smart to stay out of school and not make something of yourself. No dream is unrealistic, but at some point we have to be real with ourselves and really dig deep to figure out what we want from ourselves. Take Food Science or Chemical Engineering. Don't wait 8 years like I did. Sure, I'm married and have a beautiful daughter, but it's also going to take me 8 years to finish my degree. You can do it in half that time. It really isn't that long of a time! Believe in yourself. You can do it.
I would tell myself to start looking for an internship right away. Get to know as many people as you can. Don't just sit around and wait for them to come to you. You have to make your own way in life and to do that, you have to step out and be the one to take the first step.
I wouldnt be so trustworthy of my parents. THe rest of discussion I mentioned in previous page
Get an impressive resume together. Do something amazing your senior year to put on it. Also, get some more professional looking clothes. Hottopic graphic tees are cute and great conversation starters with new people but they aren't good for being taken seriously. Just don't be nervous. College isn't as scary as you think, take a planner, write everything down, show up to class, and you will be just fine.
I would tell them to apply for tons of scholarships. I slacked in that catagory and it made me a year behind.
Advice I would give myself would be? Go to class every day
Dear past Rima,
In college you will learn the true meaning of strength. Leaving your family behind to travel and study in America will be hard but trust me, you will survive. I don't want to ruin the surprise of all the firsts you will experience but all I will say is - Choose Akron, Do not be afraid to try new things and always remember that each and every person you meet is fighting their own battle and you can always learn something from every one. College is expensive so work this summer so you can have some spending money and do not buy textbooks from the bookstore on campus!
Remember that making new memories is important but always treat your family with love because they are the reason you are who you are and why you are living your dreams. You know this is future you because only I would know that you have wanted to study abroad since the first time you saw that poster in the coffee shop. Living the dream is important but the most important part of that is living. So do just that, live in the moment and capture it as memories forever.
If I could talk to myself before entering college, the major advice that I would give myself is to make sure to learn better time management skills. I have experienced problems in my classes, because of too much wasted time and time spent with friends instead of textbooks. I also would recommend to be more social early on in the year. Early in semesters students, especially freshman, are all looking for friends. It can seem like you are always trying to look for people to do things with, but so is everyone else. All you really need to do is get out of the dorms and go to the rec center or union and it is very easy to find something to do. The final piece of advice that I would give would be to get involved in as many activities and groups as you possibly can. Being involved opens up many oppurtunities and connects you to a lot of great people. Most groups even give out free food at all of their meetings!