University of Akron Main Campus Top Questions

What's the one thing you wish someone had told you about freshman year?


I wish I would've known more about all of the great study abroad options the University of Akron offers because I would've looked into it sooner. I was also unaware of all of the activities one can be involved in because I always thought of the university as being a commuter campus.


The food is way too expensive, so get used to packing lunches. Wish I had known that.


I wish that I would have known about some of the professors weather they were easy or hard, good or bad, caring or not. Starting out with good profs would have been a nice way to ease into the college experiment instead of being placed with the hardest teachers from the beginning to scare you.


The parking kinda blows. And you will do poorly if you skip Organic Chemistry class... Even if the damn thing is at 7:45


I wish I would have known that the parking situation on campus for ALL students is ridiculous. You can drive around for hours, no exaggeration, looking for a parking spot and miss classes because you have no where to put your car. I also wish I would have known that it seems like they just want your money. It's a shame that now even education has become a business.


That I wasn't going to major in Mechanical Engeneering.


just more about the college experience and sucess in classes