University of Alaska Anchorage Top Questions

What should every freshman at University of Alaska Anchorage know before they start?


Do whatever it takes to finish your degree. It is worth putting other things on hold, the world will be there waiting for you when you graduate, and with far more opportunities than otherwise. It is worth working an extra job, taking out a loan, or begging from relatives if need be. In college, you will learn and grow more than you thought possible. You will be exposed to possibilities you would never have even considered before. You will meet wonderful people and have amazing experiences. But, do it now. As life happens with marriage and kids and jobs, it becomes much more difficult. It is worth it, but difficult.


Although High school might be easy and you can get away with not doing homework, college is not this way. Many classes do not count homework for a grade. It is in your best intrest to still do that homework. Teachers think practice makes perfect so practice whenever you can. Don't over work yourself. Make a schedule that says when you will do work for each class and stick to it. If you do, it will pay off in the long run. Don't skip classes. Do not stay up and party all night or the next day will not be fun. Hang around campus even when classes are over. You can accomplish more work while you are on campus than when you are home. Take as many classes that you know you can handle. Don't take a few and be sitting around bored most of the day. Ask teachers for help. They cannot help if they do not know that you need help. Make friends in your classes. They will help you study and you can help them. Join a club or another form of an activity so you can become engaged with the community. Have Fun!


If i could go back to my senior year in high school I would tell myself to start preparing. Start applying for scholarships, grants and anything I can get to pay for college. I wouldn't have let myself wait so long to enroll and keep putting it back. I would tell myself not to be so scared to get out in the real world and just get it over with. Keep my eye on the prize and do what I need to do to get it accomplished. Change is hard and sometimes scary but we all go through it. Just keep your head high and don't let anything or anyone hold you back and tell you that you can't do it. Maybe if I could go back I'd be doing a lot better than I am now.


I would have told myself at that point that I wasn't ready for college immediately and should take it slow and steady. Not to take a full load of classes, so that way I can concentrate on a few classes and do my best in them. I would also tell myself to be more dilligent and not to procrastinate. Be more dedicated to school and do your homework. The main thing is if you are having problems with it to go and ask the instructor for help. They are there for you and you don't have to do this alone. Also, don't look at it as something you have to do, but something you're working to better yourself. Every class you can go away learning something new. Most of all enjoy the experience and the friends.


Children are naive, because judgement is created on the basis of past actions. Giving adive to a high school senior, even myself as a high school senior, can only be in vain. Knowledge must be applied in order to mean anything, and because of this the actual experience of my freshman year in college is so vital I wouldn't dare alter it in anyway. The only adive that a senior needs is, "Have fun and don't be shy.",and these are the instincts of any reasonable up and coming college student.


Danielle, You are a good student. You need to apply yourself more because it will pay off in the end. I will not sugar coat anything. It will be hard, you will cry, you will get angry, it is not fair sometimes and you will want to quit on numberous occasions. You must push and push hard through it and you will be glad you did because you dont think rationally when you feel that way. Talk to people, talk to students, talk to teachers, in the cafeteria, everywhere because that is where you will get your wealth of knowledge to get through college successfully and to get to know short cuts and to save yourself time and money. Dont worry, you will be ok, when you feel like you are getting overwelmed, stop and take a deep breath and go relax and do something fun. Stress will make it so much worse and you will be wasting time. So Danielle please remember what I have told you because it will make your life easier, keep an open mind. I love us and trust you. Getter Done:)


I would tell myself to think outside the box. Be open to new things and do not let the small problems distract you. High school is only the start to your education keep your eyes and mind open to new paths in your life that you would have never thought about. Learn all you can and try to learn something new from all the people that you will meet . High school is only a small part of what you can become. Anything is possible .


Dear Stephanie, It's your senior year and I know how excited you are to be finishing high school and entering adulthood. Although life is short, don't be in so much of a hurry to grow up that you miss the opportunity to enjoy being a young adult exploring the world. Stay focussed on the goal, getting your degree. Don't get sidetracked with wanting your own apartment and independence. Take any advantage you can to get involved with a foreign exchange program and experience new things firsthand. If you don't take planning your future seriously now, you will spend the rest of your life buried in bills and regret-with a $10 an hour job. Invest in yourself now. There is plenty of time ahead to be an adult. Follow your dreams. Sincerely, Yourself in Twenty Years


If I couuld go back in time and talk to me as a high schoool senior. I would say that take advantage of all the higher classes or advance classes they offered in high school. This is a good start to begin with in entering college. I would recommend to take some AP classes because it saves a lot of your time, effort and money if you do all take these classeses when you are in high school. It is very helpful to make use of your time and take lots of sciences, math, and public speaking classes because this will help you a lot in deciding what course or classes you want to take when you enroll in college.


I would tell them to not get to caught up in the social life of being a college freashmen. Paying attention and attending classes is extremely important, and it is very easy to let the social aspects of the college take your focus away from more important things.