University of Alaska Anchorage Top Questions

What should every freshman at University of Alaska Anchorage know before they start?


It's going to seem really scary and new at first, but the classes are a lot like high school. Some the students are serious, some are just trying to pass. The best classes have mixed ages because of the the different perspectives. The pressure to drink is going to be out there, but there are tons of activities on campus without alcohol that will highlight your college memories. Don't be scared to talk to career counselours, they're really friendly and like to hear from passionate students. The campus is going to seem huge at first, but so did the high school your first year. Do what you can to get along with your peer mediators and residence advisors because you'll see them around campus a lot. In short, try to enjoy the time you're spending in college. As long as you do the homework and show up to class you're going to do great. And don't worry about making friends. It can happen without you even really trying, but making the first move isn't a bad idea either. The other students are friendly, so don't be shy.


If I could go back in time and converse with myself as a high school senior, I would warn myself about being a wallflower. I used to be rather shy, and found it difficult to connect with anyone in college for a while. Even my roommates, of which I had five, were strangers to me for a long while. While I found it simpler to focus on my studies while I refrained from associating with others while outside of class, I was very miserable. In time, my self-induced loneliness effected my grades negatively. All work and no play also made me miss home more acutely. While I improved socially after my first semester, (and academically,) it wasn't until I transferred to the university I attend now, (in the spring of my sophomore year,) that I truly bloomed. I would inform my younger self to make an effort to join school clubs quickly, and get involved with other organizations on campus. The connections I made helped me find free housing during the summer, as well as a job. While I would never deter my high school self from my studies, I would emphasize making swift and lasting social connections.


As a high school senior I would have taken a year off to play before going to college.


I would tell myself that social status and popularity dont mean nearly as much as they did in high school. It is so easy to get consumed in your social life and forget all about the real reason we are in college, to learn and gain educational and professional skills. Focus on your studies and everything will work out fine. This doesnt mean to be anti social, it just means that we should watch who we hang out with and what impact they will have on our lives.


I would recommend to myself to push to take advanced trigonometry in a summer class before starting so I could get started sooner in calculus and taking advanced physics classes. I would also tell myself to work as hard as you possibly can and not just rely on natural ability to get through. Lastly, I would encourage myself to do a bit of traveling and/or get some job experience so that when I make the transition from 'completely sheltered, rural existance' to 'totally free college town of semi-urban environment around thousands of young people my age' I don't go completely crazy trying to do, see. hear, and be everything.


My advice to a high school senior is get excited! You are about to embark on the most important, most challenging, and most fun time of your life! You will meet new people, go to amazing places, stretch yourself way beyond what you ever thought you were capable of, and you will learn what an amazing person you are. Take advantage of both the once in a lifetime opportunities, like studying abroad, and the every day opportunities, like meeting new people, that college will afford you. This time is life-changing - make sure it changes your life into the life you've always dreamed of!


Even though you suddenly think that you're all grown up and don't need anyone, you probably need more support than you know. Make use of every resource you have available whether it's friends, family, school counselors, or community support. The choices that you are making now really will effect your for the rest of your life, and if you allow yourself to be helped by others you will only benefit in the long run. I made the classic mistake of believing that I knew more than everyone around me, and as a consequence I experiemented with drugs, dropped out of college and am now (at 33) only finally returning to finish my degree. You have a chance to believe in yourself NOW, and take the short cut to a long and rewarding life with a meaningful career. Stay smart, listen to those around you who care about you, and stay in school! You can do it!


College life is not that intimidating. The buildings seem large, however start out at the Student Services area and walk around. Walk around the campus with a friend or by yourself. At least put one foot on the grass and have the courage to walk through, into the building(s). Even though your parents can't understand the gargon of college life and the thought of filling out the entance application is beyond them, stop by the admissions office and they will guide you through it. Start by taking only 12 credits a semester and make sure you find a fun class to take too, even if it's tennis or pottery. If you can make it through the admission process, you can do anything. You will meet new friends, you will learn from your classes at a steady pace. The professors will not throw anything at you, that you can't handle. Now go and buy a pen and notebook, find your classroom and show up tomorrow at 10:00am. Don't be late. Bring a cup of coffee with you and sip on it during the lecture.


Do better in school and actually learn. It will prepare you better for college. Do all you can to attend college out of state. Save your money throughout school.


Be wise on how you spend your time and your engery. There is so much you will want to do, and see but your school must come first. There will always be a next time to participate in a event but there is only one now. Use your time wisely because when you don't do well in classes it because you aren't trying hard enough. Time is money in College. Have a good time also.