University of Alaska Anchorage Top Questions

What's unique about your campus?


I love that this school is affordable. I always wanted to go to an Ivy League school, but staying at home and paying in-state tuition has helped me avoid student loans.


Diverse student body allows people of all ages, race and background to come together and learn.


The small class sizes and student envolvement in the residential community.


The best thing about my school is the familiartiy. Many Alaskans, statewide, enroll in this university; you reunite with people you haven't seen in years.


Small class sizes. You get more one on one time with professors.


The people, students, professors, and staff are all very friendly. I've made life long friends at UAA. Not to mention the tutorial help they provide. Free food with tutors before and during finals week is the bomb! The have schedules posted for tutors and a lot of study areas.


I was able to attain my undergraduate degree near home. I was not ready to be thousands of miles away from home at 18. Also, it is a very diverse campus full of unique people.


Based on relevent and reliable evidence based literature


Its a little bit early to actually have a soild thought on this question. But if I must consider something it would be the often-local misconception that that UAA doesn?t have great curriculum or professors, which is extremely wrong. I've been impressed wit quite a few of them.


I consider the best thing about the University of Alaska Anchorage is that it is not a very crowded school unlike other states. With the size of it now, I believe the students still can get a fair and consistent education for what they pay for.


The best thing about my school is the freedom. No one is forced to be there, people come there because they way a better life, and that makes it more nicer. When people share the same interest they succeed in the same area.


My school is close to my home so I don't have to commute very far. They offer a wide variety of classes that are very diverse. My school has awesome teachers that bring things from their life to the class to make things a little more exciting when learning subjects that aren't as fun to learn.


As a local commuter school that was once a mere community college, UAA has progressed to a respectable university with a majority of students living off-campus and a campus that is being expanded and renewed every year. Despite this, it is in the middle of Anchorage with plenty of opportunity for outdoor adventure and is nearby the cultural venues of the city. You will feel remote to other communities, but the Anchorage community itself is a real American city that culturally self-sufficient.


The best think about my school is the size. It is mostly a commuter campus. There are about 7,000 fulltime students, which allows for relatively small class sizes and more academic interaction with professors.


The libray, there are many resources that help you with anything you could possibly imagine. They are open extra late for finals and midterms. Many places to study within the library building.


The best thing about my school is its small size. We are our own little community that has gotten to know eachother and we help eachother out when ever we can. The small college community makes it a very positive and friendly place.


The best thing I consider about my school is the diversity in classes and campus in general. There is not only diversity in races, but also in ages of students. This is great showing the university supports every person that would like an education no matter how old they are. I think this eases the pressure of being in class with younger students fresh out of high school.


The University of Alaska Anchorage is not only placed in a beautiful city the campus itself is beautifully planned. The buildings are easy to get to and the bus system is easy to use. The staff is delightfully spunky, and the students engage in stimulating conversation. It has everything a good college needs in an enviorment that weeds out the weak and encourages the strong to grow.


I love how relaxed and open-minded our campus is, while maintaining a feeling of tradition and academic focus. Most people want to excell at what they're doing but we also have a very calm atmosphere.


I consider the best thing about my university to be its diverse student population and programs. I am exposed to many different people from many different walks of life, and to many different interests. I'm learning more about the 'real world' from this diverse place than I did at my last university, which was very exclusive and not at all diverse. I appreciate the opportunity the University of Alaska Anchorage gives me to grow as a person mentally, and not simply from the education I came here to obtain. For this fact alone, I adore this institution.