University of Arizona Top Questions

Describe the students at University of Arizona.


The students at the U of A are the kind of people who won't talk to you unless you talk to them first, so I have gone through many classes for a semester without knowing anyone in my classes. When making groups for group projects, my group members were nice at first, then started being kind of I guess you woud say "snooty" to me, but I just hang with my friends that I know and like and everything is great!


It depends on the class but my classmates are diverse and friendly.


Diverse, smart, healthy


/////////////////////most people are there just because its the cool thing to do.


My classmates are all similar because if they are in class then they are academically focused. As a junior, It is obvious by the students in my classes who are there to learn and who are there to pass the test. The students in my classes come off as very comfortable with themselves.


Either highly competitive or they need to mature.




willing to help if you need it, all there to learn


My classmates are from all over the nation and bring friendliness and diversity to the campus


The majority of U of A students are rich, spoiled frat boys and sorrority girls from California who have no interest in academics and are only in college for the party life associated with it.