University of Arizona Top Questions

Describe the students at University of Arizona.


Classmates at the University of Arizona are all there for the same reason as yourself , and that is to get an education; students help each other by providing notes and forming study groups so all students do well.


Many of my classmates are non-traditional, middle-aged, married, or single parents who have decided to further their education. I have also found that many of my classmates often struggle with family, class work and managing working, often full-time while attending classes.


My classmates all want to experience life in a wonderful environment, meet new people, and discover themselves and thier future.


Students at the University of Arizona tend to be outgoing, willing to strive for their goals and above all, friendly and accepting.


Being interested in nutrition, many of my classmates have the same general interests. My classmates are there to help me and getting to know as many as I can will lead to many opportunities in the future.


My classmates are pretty competetive.


I met many great people in the courses I took at the University of Arizona: all were very supportive and interested in forming study groups outside of class.


From the majority of the classes I have been it, my classmates are attentive, engaging, and determined to succeed.


They are so diverse.


My classmates seem to be reserved, and self centered.