University of Arizona Top Questions

Describe the students at University of Arizona.


My classmates, at the University of Arizona, create an environment of challenge as each student attends class well prepared and ready to learn.


My classmates are pretty friendly.


My Classmates could be considered awesome just like how amazing the world seems to work in its unbelievable ways.


A diverse set of people who interact with each other and like to talk about their expriences.


The classmates that I have encountered are both highly motivated and intelligent individuals; I enjoy working with the majority of them and value their insight on the projects at hand.


My classmates for the most part are supportive. You can always find someone willing to share notes and study with or simply give you advice about professors.


Every classmate that I've met has been nice. When I ask for help, my classmates are usually helpful. Everyone seems to have a goal, not necessarily a career goal. My classmates have so far have not shown any racial or disrecpectful behavior.


My classmates are laidback but work hard.


Dedicated and determined, fun-loving and spirited, my classmates friendly, helpful people who are not afraid to work hard.


My classmates are people REALLY INTO THEIR MAJOR! , people that actually CARE about studying.