The kind of person who is very social and outgoing and has school spirit. A person who is ready to build character and to become the professionals they have come to seek. With all that in mind, they cannot forgot about the social scenes here at the UofA, who's well known for amazing greek life and school spirit. This may not be the hardest college to get into, but to not underestimate the academic quality it has to offer. A person coming here should be ready to party hard and study harder. Go WildCats!
Potential students who are interested in liberal, artsy colleges in warm weather, with a strong career focus should consider attending University of Arizona.
I would like to see more people who are thinking beyond their four years at the U of A. That is to say, that they do not come here with the sole intent of partying until graduation, but they have a clear vision of what they want to do in their life and use the school as a way to get there. However, if one does not know yet what they want to do, the general education program allows you to explore an unfathomably vast array of areas to study, and maybe something will spark your interest.
Someone who has the ability to put all of their passion and energy into what they do. As an architecture student, I have the responsibility to learn about infinite areas of expertise, including aesthetics and economy of design, structural integrity and efficiency, environmental ethics, community response, anthropology, and all of the different systems that a building must have to be a dynamic, functioning part of a city or an environment. The architecture student must be able to juggle all of these different areas in order to understand what great architecture is all about. It is difficult and requires discipline.
Someone who is outgoing and willing to try new things. There are so many opportunities at this school so you need to be someone who can not only recognize these opportunities but who can also take advantage of them. Also, someone who is exciting and appreciative to be a student at the school.
To enjoy the University fully, a person needs to be really open-minded. High school was fun, but college is a time to find you. In this case, "you" don't have to be the person you were in high school. Try new things, get involved, and meet new people. Learn to leave behind the past and be willing to accept change.
Any one not sure what they want to do as UA has a lot to offer or someone interested in research.
There is not one type of person that should attend this school; there is something for everyone. On one extreme there are people like me who are upbeat, energetic, friendly, and love to meet new people, and then there are others who prefer to stick with what they know or are shy and timid. The school is great for all types of personalities.
Anyone who is academically-focused. Also anyone who likes to be involved in school.
This school is an excellent learning environment for someone who values diversity and opportunity. Being how research focused the school is, if a student wants the opportunity to explore more and to venture to a doctoral program the opportunities here are endless.