University of Arizona Top Questions

What should every freshman at University of Arizona know before they start?


I strongly urge parents and students to choose a college that allows the student to be exposed to an infinite number of possibilities for becoming involved. Right out of high school, one may think they know what they want in life, but the best way to really know what kind of a person you want to be is to understand all of the possibilities life has to offer. The right college is the one that allows you to be who you want to be while simultaneously challenging you to be more than you ever thought was possible. The way to make the most of the college experience is to find what academic and social activities help you thrive and grow and change as a person. Whether through clubs, sports, job experiences, community involvement, or more subtle personal activity and growth, the only way to truly succeed in college, and in life, is to constantly challenge yourself through being active in your own life. To find the right college, look at the people, not the location or the facilities. If you surround yourself with people who are active and successful and happy, you will thrive off of their success and happiness.


Before rushing in picking colleges, slow down and review your critieria(s). Your crtierias may include, financial standing, college admittance eligibility, college lifestlye, and etc. In addition, even though some schools may have the best title for having (*blank*) major or being the best (*blank*) school, these schools have these titles due to the students. Theses students make the most out of their college experience by involving themselves in engaging activities that they find interesting. In short, find the right school that makes you feel like you want to make an impact and involve yourselves in activities that interest you.


I was very involved in my high school and I have become involved in many activities in college. There is no need to join the Greek system if that doesn't interest you. I didn't and have made many friends from the dorm and classes. I strongly recommend living in a dorm for at least one year, I lived in one for two years and had a great time. This is the time to explore your interests. I started college as an undecided and changed my major twice since then, but have now found a major that I love. When I do homework, time really flies by. I am just starting to talk with my teachers. I wish that I had the courage to do that as a freshman, but I didn't. Talking to them during their office hours really helps me understand the material more and helps them to know me. I also like the intellectual ideas they discuss with me. Sometimes the discussions can be very challenging. Aslo I have been attending plays and going to museums. I never thought that would interest me, but I went with some friends and it was actually pretty fun.


the most important thing for students is to go into their first year with an open mind and positive attitude. every new student will be going through the same experience and everyone will want to make new friends. remember that your roommate may not end up being your best friend but the girl down the hall could. You will most likely have a difficult time adjusting and will miss your friends from home but so will everyone else. It is important to get involved and keep focused. The friends you make at college are friends that you will end up spending all your time with, you will eat with them, study with them, go to games with, they will become your family. it is important to find a balance between school work and friends. friends are the most important part of your college experience because in ten years you will look back on the great experience you had with those friends.


have fun. don't have any regrets. stay focused and use time management


My best advice about finding the right college is actually going to visit the school because you will know by walking around the campus if you can see yourself going there. I was born and raised in the bay area so I grew up thinking that I had to apply to and attend a University of California school. I got accepted to many great UC schools however, after visiting the school that I ultimately ended up at, I realized that while the other schools are wonderful schools, the one I chose was the best fit for me. It is important to consider your own values and goals and pick a school that not only allows you to continue to be yourself but also allows you to grow into the person you are going to become. As far as making the most ut of the college experience, be the person who not only recognizes opportunities, but the person who takes advantage of them. Recognize your own abilities and constantly push yourself because that is when you will truly find who you are. People do not hand you your destiny, you have to get out there and find it.


Talk to people about their experiences in college, from applying all the way through graduation! The advice I sought from others helped me the most in the end. Also, it lessens the worries and stress you will have about this new milestone you are about to take on. Look for scholarships before you graduate high school. The longer you're in college, the less money is available to you. You also learn to appreciate scholarship money because you need not pay it back! Research what kind of social activities and clubs your college has. You'll find like-minded people and have create strong friendships. Stay busy and organized, and most of all, have a great time!


GO AND VISIT! Ask as many students as you can about their experience and do your reasearch.


For parents and students who are looking to find the right college I would suggest talking to as many people as possible. Each person has different experiences in college. Listening to to as many experiences as possible will help you determine what each college is really about. However, firsthand knowledge is still the best. Make sure that you visit a potential university before making any decision. While your there, ask as many questions as possible for as many different sources. Then. hopefully you will be able to tell which college is "the one". In order to make the most of the college experience, a student must rememember to be both involved and balanced. On most campuses there are tons of organizations. There is sure to be one that every student will fit into. Join one of these organizations as soon as possible. They are a great way to meet new people. However, whatever a student decides to do in his or her free time, they must remember that too much of anything can be bad. Students who are able to remain balanced, are students that get the most out of college, both academically and socially.


The advice I would give to students would be to make sure that they will not get home sick and want to transfer back home immediately. Also, if possible, choose their major as soon as possible! They do not want to be stuck doing organic chemistry their senior year! To parents I would say to encourage their kids to find scholarships and to set aside time to study everyday, because if you fall behind in a class, it is very hard to get back on top. I honestly do not think that the location of college matters, I do not think it is embarassing to go to the college in your home state. What is more important is finding out if a bigger or smaller campus is the right one. Bigger schools tend to have more options, but are less personable, while smaller schools are friendlier but will not always have the right accomodations. Overall, I think a student can have fun and make friends at any college.