I think the most important thing about finding the right college is to not pay attention to what all your friends are doing. Everyone's college experince is unique. It is important to sit down as a family and truly determine what type of college you can afford and to take into consideration what extra exspenses certain colleges may have. After doing so it is absolutely crucial to visit the Universities you want to attend. Dream schools may look very different and feel very different in person than they do in your mind. Then remember what scholastically is best. Some schools may not be the best for someone who may struggle as a student. Find out what schools have the best resources for your needs and make a decsion that is well informed. Ultimately make sure that you are excited and happy about where you are going. If you feel like you are "settling" you will never be as happy and involved as you would be if you found the "perfect" college.
I would tell the parents and students that it is necessary to save money and apply for all grants and scholarships. Make sure you budget your money and apply to schools that meet your needs. It is important to see as many schools as possible to make sure you make the right choice.
Choose a college that makes you feel at home. A college in which you are able to learn and feel safe. Attend school sponsored and sporting events. Take advantage of guest lecturers to expand your learning.
Make sure that you visit the campus to make sure it feels right. Ask current students about available programs that could interest you. Finally, make sure to get involved in order to make the most of college. It is hard to be away from home for so long, so make sure to take advantage of any opportunity in which you can meet new people and make new friends. Finally, get to know your teachers and visit your advisors often in order to make sure you are on track with classes and graduation. Have fun, study hard, but do not stress to much.
First off, what major does the student want to pursue? The parents and students should do background research at the school to see the strengths and weaknesses of the academic program the student chosen by the student. Also, perhaps they could research any second or third choice majors if the student cannot decide on just one. Perhaps, coinciding with searching for a strong major, would be the size of the school. Does the student want to go to a University with a large population, small, or somewhat in the middle? This can matter when the parent and student thinks about the student to professor ratio in classes offered at the University. The next step the student should take is to think about how involved do they want to be with volunteering and sports. Does the prospective school have a list of places or companies to volunteer for, and does that school have intramural, club, or varisty sports? The last advice to offer is to most definitely visit the school before accepting to go there because the student should not be unhappy with the size of the school and the overall feel of the type of people going there.
I have no idea. Just pick something you feel you will get the most out of.
If you are interested in the Arts, GO SOMEWHERE ELSE! This schools cares little about the art progam. Instead, all its focus is on sports and sciences. Our art dept. is constantly bombarded with cutbacks, crummy facilities, and uneducated graduate students trying to teach us stuff they dont know well enough to be responsible for teaching. Its frustrating. The ceramics department is the worse. There is one instructor (37,000 students this semester), very little class options, and the equipment is breaking, falling apart, or non-existent. The powers that be should be very ashamed of themselves!
Visit it befor you go to it, and talk to people like you that attend the college and see how they like it.
When choosing a college or university of attend, it is important that you choose for the correct reasons. I have seen many people go to a specific university because they had parents or friends that went there as well. I understand what it is like to be alone in a strange campus with no friends in the beginning of the year. That is not a very good reason to follow someone else's lead, though. In the end, it is up to you or your son/daughter to decide on their own. Going to a university is the first step in becoming secure with yourself and achieving true freedom and individuality. Most of the people that i know can relate with the university they attend. It is also good advice to understand your finances. At times, waiting until graduate school for the school of your dreams is better than doing undergraduate school at the same school and owing 120,000 dollars. You should rather choose the program when it comes to money rather than the school. Good luck and God Bless.
I would advise students to hang in there when times get rough. I would aslo tell parents to be very supportive and give words of encouragment when times are rough.