When finding the right college, a person should be happy. The first thing to do is research which schools are well known in the field a student is interested in. The second thing to consider is weather. Weather has a great impact on a person's attitude and mental well being. Once you have narrowed down the choice of colleges, it would be best to visit the school and see if you can actually visualize being there. Take a look at the set-up, the people, and the availability o resources. Once you ave decided or applied to the school, consider your financial situation. Is the school private or public? Private schools are more expensive. Will you be an in state or out of state student? Out of state students pay more. Overall, the main concern is if you can see yourself being at the school happily while you succeed your academic studies.
In my experience it is important to not only read about the focus, and desire of the school, but to visit the campus. By visiting the campus you can really get a feel for the school. You can read all day about a school and have no idea what it is really like.
To make the most of your college experience I would stress the importance of getting involved. I am part of a christian club on campus, Hall Council, Chem Club, and Pre-nursing Club. Without these extra meetings, and groups I would not have nearly as many friends, or feel as comfortable on campus as I currently do. The only way to feel connected is to get involved. Just do something!
Make sure you look into the college you want to go to becasue it may not be what you expect when you finally begin attending. Also, make sure your in a finacially good standing because they really try to break your bank with their fees! :D
It is very important to visit the campus once you are narrowing on a decision. Secondly, it is a good idea to make sure that the interests of the student are available. For example, I love going to art galleries and I made a mistake because there is no art around my campus. Attend student orientations to make sure the school is the type of environment you like. I would reccomend visiting the campus while classes are in session to get a true feel of what to expect on a daily basis. Talk to professors in your area of interest. Most important of all do not rush through your classes take your time and enjoy your college experience. It only comes around once.
When choosing the right college never pick the one on the other side of the country just because it is far from mom and dad. All colleges have great social life so do not pick the number one party school. Never go to the same school as your boyfriend, girlfriend, or best friends just to stay together. Really think about what you want to do with your life, do the research and seek the program that will best allow you to accomplish your goals. If that takes you far from home then you get a new experience all in its self. Call home every couple weeks at minium so the parents know you are still breathing, great oppertunity to ask for some money. Live on campus if possible at least for one year. This will make being antisocial nearly impossible. Take responsibility for your life, health, and school work. Have lots of fun but remember you are here for a reason beyond the social.If you are having a tough time with class work see the professor, they want to help. If your issue is personal get help before it goes too far.
Go to a community college first, then attend the larger 4yr institution
There is so much advice that can be givin to both parents and/or students looking for the right college. So, my first piece of advise for anyone would be to look at themself and find what the phrase "right college" means to them. For some the right college will be a very small school with small classes, but for others a big school with big classes would be just as good. Every school you go to will be different and will attract different people. So with that in mind I think the best advise to give someone is to just find the school that fits into their view of the right school.
Don't be afraid. There are so many things people tend to miss out on when they are afraid. Don't be afraid of applying because of the thought of rejection. Don't be afraid to do things you wouldn't normally do. Don't be afraid to say no or go for what you really want. College is not just about learning for a future career or whatnot, it's also about learning and improving your self.
When trying to find the right college, first evaluate what the student enjoyed most about his/her classes in high school. Was it the class size, creative learning opportunities, outreach to the community, etc? Then think about what he/she did not like or can do without in a college. For example, if he/she did not enjoy or participate in sports, keep in mind that a great school for that student may not necessarily be famous for its athletic department. That will be enough to narrow the choices down to a type of school. After that is done, figure in ambition. Does the student have a major already picked out, or does he/she need a school with many different options? Once that is decided, it will be easy to choose a school based on distance from home and financial affordability.
After a school is chosen, it is important to take your student's every need into consideration. Make sure tutoring is available and made known to the student. I suggest taking extracurricular activities one club/organization at a time; too many and the activities will begin to take precedence over the education.
research is essential. i didn't do any research about what i wanted in a college or a community. i've felt very lost and confused about myself as well as what i want in life due to my choice of university. support from parents despite possibly not agreeing about a child's choice in education is essential. the more support the stronger the student is. the stronger the student is the better they will do in college. support is the key to education.