University of Arizona Top Questions

What's the one thing you wish someone had told you about freshman year?


To incoming students, I would suggest to stay socially active. Making the right friends is important, as many fantastic opportunities can come simply from knowing the right person.


I wish I would have known how awesome it was so that I wouldn't have bothered with other schools.


I wish I had known to be more prepared for the drastic weather conditions in Tucson. Both the extreme heat, and the extreme cold. I also wish I had more insight on qualities to look out for when selecting a room mate, both good and bad.


What the work load was really going to be like along with the classes that I was going to be taking.


The amount of coursework required.


I wish i would have known how big the classes were going to be for your first year courses.


I wish I had known more about internships and study abroad programs. I am a junior and barely getting informed about these great oppurtunities. I also feel that many do not know that there are so many study aborad programs for students in majors other than humanities. I also wish I had known more about different majors because I lost two years in the wrong major as i was pressured by my advisor to stick to a major i had no passion for.


I wish I had known how much information was covered in one class period! The expectations of college were a surprise but after getting used to them its easy!


What Ishould have prepared myself for, socialization skills, I had ADD, I may never get employed


I wish I had known the importance of applying for even the smallest of scholarships and how that can pay for anything from books to supplies to even food. I wish I had taken advantage of more oppotunites to make my financial situation better.