University of Arkansas at Monticello Top Questions

What do you consider the worst thing about University of Arkansas at Monticello? Why?


It has a reputation for being a place that people who aren't really going to do anything with their lives go. Not that it actually is a school for the lazy or unintelligent. I know plenty of people who are real go getters, here. It's just hard to say, "Yeah, I go to UAM," when it has such a bad reputation. It makes me feel a little inadequate. Like maybe I should be doing better.


UAM is great but a down fall is the lack of campus activities.


The worst thing about my school is the fact that it is located in a small town where the biggest thing is the Super Walmart Store.


The social gathering facilities are few and far between. There are no places to hang out on campus where you can kill time and talk with people, like recreational halls. The recreational halls that are on campus do not offer much more than watching t.v.


The worst thing about my school would probally be that there are not enough dorm rooms/apartments on campus. They just haven't gatten around to bulding more of them yet.


I feel they need more night and evening classes for non traditional students. I worked for the first three years of college along with being a mom. It is hard to get time off work in order to go to class. A lot of the students I was attending with that were older had the same problems I had. We worked during the day and went to class in the evening. I have taken all the evening classes avaiable so now I have had to quit work to finish my degree.


The worst thing about my school is the parking. The spaces are sometimes too small.