University of Arkansas Top Questions

What's unique about your campus?


I think that there are great oppurtunities to explore a variety of ideas and cultural mindsets at our school. A variety of honors courses and other classes centered around philosophy and thought allow students to explore ideas that they may not have been exposed to before college. The inclusion of a Buddhist monk as a professor is one excellent example of how the College of Arts and Sciences brings in a variety of instructors. Students can take classes that interest them and allow them to broaden their horizons.


That the classes are small enough that the teacher can know you on a first name bases and can help you with any problems you might be having with the class.


It is a state campus, but it is not too big. It is the perfect size to know people on campus but not to know everyone you pass. And the environment is amazing. Campus is beautiful. On any given day you can find a tree to study under or a fountain to hang out by.


The tradition on the campus. We have a 5+ mile long senior walk with all the names of the graduates in the past, we have our sporting events which are always full of students


The best thing about attending the University of Arkansas is job placement after graduation. Being so close to the Wal-Mart home offices, recruiters from Wal-Mart and all of its main vendors and always coming to the U of A looking for upcoming talent. The Walton College of Business really does its best to put of job fairs and helps students with their resumes to give students the best chance of getting a good job post graduation.




I think the best thing about The University of Arkansas is the diversity of ages of the students attending. I am in my middle 40s and I have been accepted with no problem. There are students much younger than me and older than me and everyone is treated equally.