University of California-Berkeley Top Questions

What kind of person should attend University of California-Berkeley?


I think people that want to make a big difference should come to this school. If you have ideas about how you can better the world or make changes then this is the place for you. You will have the best connections and resources to help you with your ideas and they will take you far. If you love research then this is the place for you as well. CAL is known for all of the best research projects in the world.


It's hard to pinpoint a specific type of person who should attend Berkeley. So long as you're open-minded and can accept people of all backgrounds, interests, and affiliations, there really is no reason you wouldn't fit in here. Academically, you must be hardworking and able to handle pressure without anyone here to hold your hand. Independence and motivation are key characteristics to survive in this environment as Berkeley students pride themselves on their ability to do things for themselves, without the administration coddling us.


A person that is focused, motivated, able to seize opportunities, and take advantage of the resources that Berkeley has to offer. This person will make the extra effort to see professors during office hours and develop a relationship with them. This person will appreciate the high quality education that Berklekey offers.


The ideal student is academically and professionally self-motivated. No one at Berkeley is going to push you; you have to be your own cheerleader and coach if you want to stay on top of your schoolwork and social life. Moreover, one has to be open-minded enough to accept criticism of their beliefs and thoughts, as well as respectfully question others. Much of the learning at this university comes from one another. Someone who loves to learn from a variety of approaches would fit in quite well on campus. Also, to be honest, one has to be savvy/mature.


Someone who loves the environment, food, culture, learning subaltern theories


Someone who wants to learn beyond the classroom. I believe that my liberal education is much more valueable than that of my formal education. I have learned to question the status quo and to look more closely at both sides of the story. If you are worried about the social life at UC Berkeley... don't worry. If you like to go out you will find people who go out on a regular basis. I usually go out to parties and other social events three times a week!


Academicly prepared


UCBerkeley is a highly competetive school, and the person attending should be highly motivated and driven to accell academically.


One who appreciates the opportunity to learn from some of the best professors in the world. UC Berkeley 's teaching staff includes Nobel Prize winners, cutting-edge researchers, respected authors and others who are at the top of their respective fields. Come to Berkeley with an open mind and a curious intellect, and you will not be disappointed!


At the University of California Berkeley you will need to be a high achieving and self motivated student. As a freshman, you will need to know how to budget your time to get all of your work completed and to not be easily discouraged if there is not a lot of hand holding from the TAs or professors. Many of the students are very serious about their work and the parties are at a minimum, especially among the Engineering students. School will need to be your primary focus to excel here.


A person who loves to learn, is passionate about life, interested in discovering oportunites around every corner should thrive at UC Berkeley. Open minds, but strong minds belong here. Hard workers and people who naturally absorb material both will thrive here.


The perfect person for UC Berkelely is someone won't mind a mental challenge, because you will be pushed to your extremes here but also someone who would appreciate the long standing history of Berkeley's liberal side and ever evolving atmosphere. The sacrifices you make here to be the best student will continuously reap rewards even after you have left this place. All the memories will be engrained in your mind and make you that much of a stronger and more well rounded individual.


A person who is open minded.


An academically serious person who has the ability to make friends as well as to be comfortable with newfound independence.


Cal is not an easy school to get into or to go through. The most suitable type of person for UCBerkeley should be someone who is motivated and knows what they want. One should be strong academically, emotionally and even physically (Cal sits on a multitude of hills). Be well-rounded and prepared to do what it takes to succeed, and also be aware that there are other intelligent and highly competitive people in the student body. Work hard, do your best, and remember that it's not all about the studying.


A person willing to challenge them self should attend Berkeley. UC Berkley students need to be able to think, form opinions, and defend them. It is not a university in which time can be wasted; it offers many opportunities and access to influential professors and a flood of information in the campus's many libraries. There are so many groups advocating different activities and passions, anyone can fit in. UC Berkeley is a place of open minds too; a student at this campus needs to be tolerant and willing to listen and talk to people very different from them.


You have to be independent and not afraid to ask for help. Academic, financial and career advising is hard to find if you don't seek it out yourself, but there are resources available for those who look for them. Conservatives definitely do not fit in at this school, and you have to be willing and able to stand up for your opinions and beliefs, as people oftentimes engage in lively debates. You have to be a hard worker, and if you want to feel as connected to the school as possible you should involve yourself in extracurricular activities.


As I said before, the alumni in Berkeley is very varied, with different types of cultures everywhere, so I believe any person would fit into this school.


Rich diversity and resources, amazing professors and lectures


Someone who is interested in learning critical learning skills such as research and critical thinking. Someone who is seeking out to become a leader in their community and reaching out to help those who do not have the same priviledges and opportunities that other do have. In an essence someone who is looking to change the world to make a better place for everyone. Ambition, determination and a good heart is essencial as you learn so many things in this school that can truly make a change.