someone who is dedicated to their studies and who wants to excel. someone who wants to be challenged beyond belief and likes to work. can be a fun city as well.
Those who enjoy freedom of expression. Those who intend on working hard for their degree.
I feel that anyone who is really ambitious or feels a need to give back to their communities should attend this school. It is a difficult school but those that dream big can really do anythingon this campus.
Somebody with a lot of motivation and perseverance. This school is not meant for those who have too many other things going on in their lives.
Anybody who has drive, academic devotion towards their studies, and who seeks to make a difference outside of the classroom. Berkeley has amazing opportunities for any student, and they should be eager to take advantage of that. Laslty, a Berkeley student must have pride in their school, "Go Bears!"
One needs to have the skills to manage time wisely and really enjoy the subject he or she is majoring in.
Any person could attend this school. This is a very diversified community in which everyone interacts with each other fully and friendly. Students will gain a lot of not only knowledge but also the passion to work with others as well.
At the young age of 18, students should not be expected to know what they want, or what career path they wish to pursue. With that said, Berkeley places high expectations on students to discover this path in two years, while maintaining strong, career-oriented, internships/jobs. The students who wish to attend Berkeley should not know what they want out of life yet, but should be ready and willing to study hard enough to figure it out in two years. Students should be dedicated to learning and excited to gain one of the best educations in the world.
The Berkeley campus is probably best for students heavily interested in politics, and those who have strong educational training.
If a student attends Berkeley, they must be a person of dedication, ambition, passion, and change. A UC Berkeley student is one that is ready to voice opinions; this school is for the brave of heart and it requires hours of study as well as a passion for academics. A UC Berkeley student is many faces-they are unique individuals who have taken on the responsibility of acquiring a Berkeley degree. With this degree, graduates have the power to face the world and accomplish their dreams. UC Berkeley students should dream big and not be afraid to pursue those dreams.
Smart, very ambitious, career and goal oriented people. If you are super social and more creative, chances are you will not like Berkeley. It is really a nerd school, but the value of education is out of sight. Come with a car - although parking sucks - so that you can at least go to San Francisco when you want, because Berkeley is a dead city.
A motivated, active, and diligent student who is capable of balancing time would be well suited in such a big university as UC Berkeley.
Curious people who are interested in learning about other types of people and about the world.
people who do not mind big classes, people who want to explore different ideas and cultures, people who are career focused, you don't have to love everything about berkeley, but if you care about your career then do the program and do it well, but be prepared to figure things out for yourself because no one walks you throught the process or pinpoint the million and one possibilities made available upon admission.
Goal oriented and focused. Be willing to spend all-nighters to finish projects of exceptional quality on time. You should not be willing to settle.
somewhere who want a school that is open to new things and very liberal.
competitive, over-acheiver, researcher, urban
Someone who is very serious about school
Students that are open to new ideas, academically and goal oriented. Students that like a suburban area and like being close to the city and the marina.