It's definitely worth coming here. It's a beautiful campus with so many things to do. It may seem small, but there are just so many things happening at once it's almost hard to get involved in all the fun stuff. So if you come to UC Davis, your 4 years will not be wasted. I can assure you that you will have an amazing college life here in Davis.
Physically the entire place is completely flat: ideal for biking, which is a fun physical activity and saves a lot of money (in comparison to cars which need a lot of gas). Along with recycle bins and the idea of composting, Davis sets a great example for the rest of the world in that it promotes sustainable living and a friendly envrionment.
UC Davis is a true college town. The entire community around has come into to being as a result of UC Davis. Bikes are as common as students, and the infrastructure is clearly represents that. Davis has it all. Being a large school, everyone can find their niche and place as soon as they arrive. But being the largest campus in the UC system, it is never crowded. There is always a place to find your own place at UC Davis.
It is a small, college town. Very cozy, yet we still have a big city feel 10 minutes away (Sacramento).
It is genuinely a college town. Also, the school is known for research and it has one of the best veterinary schools.
Really, it came down to the faculity I would be exposed to. I am primarily interested in conservation of fish and one of the leaders in California teaches at the University of California Davis. I spoke with Dr. Peter Moyle before applying to schools and he was very genuine and continues to be even after I have started attending the school. I have since taken his class and started working for him and do not regret my decision to become a part of the UC Davis campus. I was concerned with the size of the porgram aswell. Small is good.
It has a very good reputation, is located close to the bay area where my parent's live, and it is in a very small town.
I prefer San Francisco State on a personal level because of the activism and political involvement at the crux of the university, whereas UC Davis is politically apathetic and career-oriented.
The location of the school is wonderful. There are tons of trees around campus and the atmosphere is friendlier than other campuses.
Being a research institute, UC Davis offers many opprotunities for both undergraduate and graduate students to become involved with proffesor's scientific research. The research is cutting edge and opens up networking opprotunities that can further enhance one's success.