University of California-Davis Top Questions

What is your overall opinion of University of California-Davis?

Is University of California-Davis a good school?

What is University of California-Davis known for?


UCD is the ultimate school for a passionate student. The student run aggie pack is top ranked in the nation for providing school spirit. The school has a spirit of their own as well. It's a laid back town with huge ambitions. Student play Frisbee and party on the weekends but hit the books on the weekdays. The fun never stops on Greek row and spring quarter provides the perfect party months. Classes are intense though. UCD is all about the students, from the town to the classes, Davis is the epitome of what everyones college experience should be like. You come out of here with friends, and great memories, and with a degree that means something.


I think davis is the perfect size especially for central campus. I love that it is flat and that there is grass everywhere. It's easy to bike or walk to class which is always a plus. Living in the dorms makes me spend most of my time around here but next year I will probably split my time between on campus and downtown. there is a lot of school pride and most people appreciate and love being at Davis.


it's a big university in a small town, but not too small. and it's pretty close to big cities such as sacramento and the bay area. too many good things about UCD to name just one. we aren't the stereotypical party school, but the party scene is poppin'. we have a wide array of sports organizations: intercollegiate, club, and intramural (i hear we have the best IMs). the students organize many campus activities including picnic day and the whole earth festival, etc.


I think Davis is just the right size. Not too big because you can still run into people you know everyday on campus, but also not too small so you can meet new people in all your classes. I spend most of my time in the Silo, because it is a good place to study and people watch.


Davis is a GREAT town. It is college friendly and easy to get around in. There are bike paths everywhere, beautiful running paths and while generally rainy in winter and oppressively warm in summer, spring and fall are AMAZING in Davis. There is a lot of food downtown and it is affordable to live here. COME TO DAVIS


Best thing about Davis is that the west side of davis is quiet and nice. Lush greenery at putah creek and flat land to bike wherever you are. Especially when gas prices are so high. The administration is great, very helpful only if you seek the help yourself. School is one of the largest campuses so it's a bitch to walk from one end to another in 10 minutes if you have class one after another. I'll always remember getting high and taking my chem final and acing it.


UC Davis is a big school and some people may be put off by that, but the enormity of Davis just provides more room for diversity. The campus is also so large and spread out that most of the time it seems like the school really isnt that big. Davis as a city is awesome if you are not one for big cities, and even if you are Sacremento and San Fransisco are just simple car rides away. Most of the time spnt on campus is in the dorm or just chilling outside. There are lots of places to play catch or nap in the sun. There is a lot of school pride and if you go to any of the sports games free stuff will be attacking you from all sides. GO AGS!


The one thing that initially drew me to Davis was the beautiful arboretum and Putah Creek, which runs through it. It is a great place to relax, sit in the sun, nap or try to get in some studying. This school is the perfect combination of a small town, immense diversity in the student population (in terms of both interests and ethnicities), and a proximity to big cities, so that you get a little bit of everything.


UC Davis is a great campus. There is plenty of greenery, places to sit outside and enjoy the sun if you want. Everyone is friendly and welcoming. I haven't been made to feel like I shouldn't be there at all. There are several things that I would like to change. If you want to be a tutor, and you are a transfer student, you can't tutor any of the courses that you took elsewhere. You have to had taken the class at UC Davis. The biggest controversy right now is that we are in a budget crisis, our governor is cutting $400 million from the UC budget and our new UC President is getting over $100,000 more than the last one. Everyone is cutting their budgets, and layoffs may happen, but the new president is getting way too much. I have had fun at UC Davis. I wasn't able to do many of the activities I would've liked, but circumstances are what prevented me from those. Davis is a great town for college. You can bike everywhere or take the Unitrans, which is cheap. For students, just show your ID card. I would definitely reccommend going to UC Davis.


It's a pretty big school but it's amazing how you'll see the same people EVERYWHERE on and off campus. People are impressed that I go to UC Davis and then ask me what there is to do there. It's close to Tahoe and Sacramento and San Francisco is not that far so it's easy to get out of and go to a big city. The campus is HUGE. There is a lot of school pride at athletic events. The football games are a lot of fun to go to.