Now that I am a college student, and I have already made the transition from high school, there are a few pieces of advice I would like to give to my high school self. I feel that if I had payed attention to this advice before hand, I would have had a much smoother transition into college; nevertheless, I feel that I have learned from my mistakes. The first piece of advice that I would give myself is to start preparing for college in high school. That little piece of advice may sound obvious, but I have discovered how important it really is. One of my main regrets when I completed my senior year in high school was that I did not take high school seriously. My second piece of advice would be to believe in myself. I have learned that I can have the support of family, friends, or every single person on this planet for that matter, but if I do not believe in myself, it is nearly impossible to succeed. I found that with the support I received from my family and friends coupled with my positive attitude is what helped me to succeed in college.
Be more outgoing! When you are in class, make friends that can eventually turn into study partners. Talk to your professors and do not be intimidated by the number of students that they encounter each day. Establish study groups. Read the reading assignments before class. Know what questions to ask and spread out your sciences classes!
there would be a couple things i would tell my senior self about i would tell myself dont mess up your first time around and i would also tell myself that being in the medical field is where its at right now . because there is a high demand in the medical feild and it would just be a better outcome and about college life i would teel myself that its no joke there is alot of hard work that comes with the whole college life . but if you stick to it it will pay off big time. and the transition it takes is a big step you woul;d have to go from just plain old goofy and try and act a little more professional because they will not tolerate slackers but that does not mean you have to stop being the normal fun loving guy that you already are and the last piece of advice i would give myself dont pass up on the opportunity when it comes to you so that is what i would tell my senior self to 1 not mess up my first time in senior year 2. the medical field is the best choice
Past Consuela,
You’ll never make it to your senior year of high school because you'll have to get a GED. Its your sophomore year, and you spend much of your time in bed with those debilitating migraines, afraid that they will once again cause you temporary blindness. I know the guilt you have each day you aren’t in your seat. And the days you are there, I remember how the other children pick on you because the teachers spend extra time with you. It’s hard now, but hang in there. Don’t believe what those kids say. You are intelligent and can do anything. It took me a long time to realize that. Trust the advise of others. Sorry Hun, but you really don’t know everything. Taking someone else’s advice will save you heartache. When you get to college, focus on your general education courses first, it will take you time to learn what you want to do. Lastly, remember to never give up, never give in and always believe in yourself even when you feel like no one else does. With that, you’re sure to go far.
Your Future Self
How you did in high school is no indication of how you will do in college. If you study the subjects you are interested in, you are sure to do well. Once you're in college, nobody cares how you did in high school. The most important thing now is to learn how to best manage your time and workload, stay focused, and have fun. If you do that, you will do well in college.
STOP PANICKING! Life will get better, I promise. There's no need to fret. Just because some of your friends made it into better schools does not mean anything. Davis is also way better than it sounds. The idea of cows being everywhere was only a myth! Also don't let "senioritis" get the better of you. Research the schools that you really want to get into. Remember: this is your future! However, in some way or another, everything will eventuall fall into place. Don't worry about it. Life goes on. The most important piece I can give to you is: study hard, no matter what.
Enjoy this moment. Make as many mistakes as you can, while you can. Don't stress about whether or not you will be successful. Just do what you love, and be the best. Everything else will fall into place. Think in terms of "when" and not "if". You're the best, whether you believe it or not. And soon, the whole world will know just how great you are going to be.
College is fun, but home is always where the heart is. Do not worry about the cost of tution, for it will all work out. Keep your door open and make some friends. Never forget your upbrining and morales, your family and God is always their for you; be their for them. Take pictures, as the old saying goes "a picture is worth a thousand words," and I would say memories as well. Be yourself and continue to study and work hard. It will pay of! Enjoy the rest of your high school. Work hard, but take it a little easier. College will not look at every little thing they do. Most importantly never forget who you are and where you are going.
If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior I would tell myself to try to be involed in school activities as much as possible, and be aware of the resources that the school has to offer.
GO TO ALL YOUR CLASSES. Really, they will teach you far more than just reading the book did in high school. Also, don't be so insecure, people are nice so get out there and make some new friends. You only get to go through college once so kick ass!