University of California-Davis Top Questions

What's the one thing you wish someone had told you about freshman year?


I wish I had known how to do laundry. Dorm life is completely a trial and error experience.


I wish I would have known more about how a college life really is before I came here.


I should have been open-minded about the school, it really surprised me!!


I wish somebody had showed me how to use all the online University web sites. I had trouble understanding my online tuition bills, how to register for classes and how to access online data bases. In my opinion these are some pretty important tools that the University of California Davis should take care to show every student.


I wish someone had told me to definitely take a tour of the campus before I enrolled at UC Davis. UC Davis is the largest campus in California and finding classes and buildings there was a huge challenge for me during my first year of study here.


I wish that I would have had a better feel for the fast paced quarter system and been more familiar with campus resources.


I wish I would have known about the availability of Financial Aid and Delta Scholarships. I was unaware of such resources that could have aided me if I had known about them ahead of time.


I came in as an undeclared/undecided major. I wish I knew what I wanted to do, so I didn't waste time taking classes that I eventually didn't need, and so I could pick a school with a better selection of majors. I also wish I knew earlier that there is no big-name department store in the immediate surrounding area, so I could adjust better.


how big the classes were going to be freshman year


Take advantage of all of the events and activities offered on campus. Your student fees go towards funding this stuff and it's really worth it to get involved in the community. Also, whenever there is a fair or some event going on on the Quad, there is always free stuff and cool people so check it out even if you only have a couple minutes.