University of California-Davis Top Questions

What's the one thing you wish someone had told you about freshman year?


that the major i chose was useless


Get to know your professors so you can get LORs.


Bad allergy season in the spring time.


I wish that I had known how different Northern California was from SOuthern Cali


I wish I had known how competitive the students were at this school. It surprised me how serious every one was about their studies, which isn't necessarily a bad thing.


I do not wish that I had known anything that I did not know already before coming to this school. I believe I learned everything and found out about everything when I needed to. However, one thing I would tell others about is the experimental college. If you like to dance, do yoga, want to learn an instument, or just want to have a non-traditional class, you should check out the experimental college and see what they're offering. These classes aren't for credit, they're for fun.


I wish I would have known that the town of Davis itself was relatively small. There is not much to do around town besides go out for dinner. Luckily Sacramento is close and has more to do there. Also, it would have been nice to know that it is hard to find a study abroad program with a biology major. Most of the programs are set up for English and History type majors. They do have marine biology emphasis programs but not for other types of biology. I really wish they would set a good program for biology abroad.


I wish I knew how crazy it would get during rush hour so that I could avoid the traffic and the bike accidents.