It's hard for me to think that any student would feel out of place at UCLA. There are so many different groups for people with any possible interest and from all walks of life. Ethnically, the student body is not extremely diverse, and that is obvious just walking around campus or looking in the class room. Students come from all different financial backgrounds.
None, really.
None, really.
Whatever they want. I've seen suits, I've seen pajamas. To each her own.
Not particularly.
Asians at one, Jocks at another, Dorm floor on third, and random friends bringing it around on fourth.
California. OC, San Diego, the Bay area.
Middle class.
Yes. Very, very liberal.
The student body is huge and you can get involved with just about anything you want. The people are so multi-cultural and so diverse what you wear, what you belive in, what and who you support is all completely up to you.
All the people here at UCLA are pretty goal oriented which makes it a pretty awesome place. You're constantly surrounded by people who want to make a difference in the world, who have aspirations which is comforting to know that there are other people out there in the world that care about improving themselves and also the fields that they're going to work in one day. One big click here...ASIANS. They're everywhere, but get used to it, some of the smartest kids around are Asians and UCLA kinda draws everyone in in that respect.
students are diverse here, it is very difficult to truly feel out of place. most of ucla students are either from socal or norcal, so there is sort of a rivalry between those two parties about which region is a better place to hale from. a lot of ucla students are well off, and a bunch are pretty dirt poor, but in my experiences i havent met many people who are insanely rich since all of those people buy their way into usc. students here tend to be liberal minded and semi politically aware, there are a lot of political student organizations and the like but there are also a fair amt of people here who are socially clueless.
Girls wear slutty clothes that they should be wearing to parties.
Guys wear normal clothes....minus the asians trying to be cool or are north campus majors and their pants are tighter than girls.
Most students are from California, most LA. I don't really mind the large instate population.
A lot of people think they are politically aware but they are not.
I think that the LGBT community is not discriminated against. they're accepted and have their own rights clubs
I don't have a great deal of experiences with a large number of organizations on campus, but recently I have gotten more involved with the Bruin Democrats and I am really enjoying that. I feel like students tend to stick to their respective racial groups( as do the athletes) but there is some mixing on the basis of common interest.
I think you know my take on the student body.
UCLA pats itself on the back for its campus diversity, but there are very few non-athlete minorities at ucla. That being said however, there are clubs and social outlets for pretty much any group imaginable. Obviously, the asian population is huge and can be a bit overwhelming, especially in South campus science/math courses. UCLA students dont seem super rich or overly pretentious oppose to private school colleges (USC). Most students dress really casually to class, a lot of sandals, hats, ugg boots, the normal. Like every other school ive ever been to or seen, people generally stick with their own kind. I think thats the good and bad about so much emphasis on Multi-culturalism. Its cool to identiyt with gay Fillipinos, but if you only talk to other Gay Filipinos, whats the point of diverty? but, athletes talk to athletes, greeks to greeks, jews to jews, latinos to latinos...Most students are from California. Students are politivally active and the campus and professors is definitely Left. But, this isnt the 60s and for the most part, rallies and the like only attract weirdos. I havent found that students talk about how much theyll earn...
Our student body is very diverse. We have multiple groups expressing theirselves based on race, or religion, or LGBT. UCLA is a pretty liberal campus so there are not many disputes. I don't think any student would feel out of place at UCLA, unless they didn't like city-life. Most students are casual when they go to class - tees and jeans. All different students interact. Most UCLA students are from California - there is a fun NorCal SoCal battle between people from northern California and southern California.