University of California-Los Angeles Top Questions

What do you brag about most when you tell your friends about University of California-Los Angeles?


How beautiful the school is, from the quality of campus to the dorms, dining facilities, and architecture. Also just the college life in general and how safe the area is. It's nice to just walk around at night and wander...hang out. There's so much to do in LA and we're close to all of it! I also absolutely love my major, which I think is partly due to how awesome some of the professors are. I like to brag about the awesome things we learn and do, especially the hands on experience we get.


UCLA has a good reputation; so everyone already knows it and are impressed.


God is bringing revival to UCLA


a lot of opportunties to do whatever you want - career, school, extracurricular.


I brag about the beautiful campus, renowned professors, prestigous reputation, numerous extracurricular, sneak peeks, location in the city, celebrity sighing, good food, well rounded sports teams, great weather, great fine arts, liberal arts, medical school, law school, dental school, and great environment.


good grades


I don't have to brag about the school to people for they already know that the school is one of the most highly regarded in state of California. I would like to mention, however, that whichever career the students may be pursuing, there are a lot of opportunities to fare well by taking advantage of this school's excellent curriculum.


The fantastic education I received, the classes available and the fantastic culture the school has through ethnicities, sports and social events


School spirit, beauiful campus


Bringing up that UCLA is a public ivy is something I am proud of. This school represents hard work and dedication to furthering personal education. It's not just a UC, it's a symbol of accomplishment.