University of California-Los Angeles Top Questions

What is your overall opinion of University of California-Los Angeles?

Is University of California-Los Angeles a good school?

What is University of California-Los Angeles known for?


1. Weather 2. add more space to the ucla email accounts 3. just right 4. don't really know 5. Boelter Hall 6. "what college town" 7. asi asi 8. taser? 9. yes 10. i don't know 11. nothing stands out 12. no idea


UCLA has everything. Great weather, beautiful campus, diverse people, student groups. It's a big school, but it feels like home. People are in awe when I say I go to UCLA. We have great athletics, so there is a lot of school pride.


Best thing: it's huge. You have the opportunity for anonymity should you want it. But it's close knit enough that you run in to the same people over and over, and find your core group of friends One thing I'd change: housing prices Just right, Goldilocks! They think I'm brilliant... it's a stigma, really. Hanging out on benches in the sun. I'm from SoCal. It's expected. College town! The administration's a little complex, and at times it can feel like they're not looking out for everyone in the way they should be. Biggest controversy: Dance Marathon? SO MUCH BRUIN LOVE! It doesn't feel like the "hottest mega university" it feels like home. Undie Run That it's too expensive, and that it's almost impossible to get into certain classes


I love basically everything about going to UCLA. There is a lot of school pride, and people are usually extremely impressed whenever I mention that I go to UCLA. I'll never forget when I went up to Stanford my Freshman year and watched the UCLA football team win in overtime.


Why is it that engineers struggle to get out of school in 5 years, having to take 4 classes each quarter to get out in 4 years...but other majors can get away with taking 3 classes a quarter, take extra random classes, and manage to get out in 3-4 years? I have so many friends graduating in the next two years, and it just doesn't make any sense that I won't be able to walk with them for graduation.


UCLA IS AWESOME! everything about it breathes excellence from academics to athletics to extracurriculars; just about anything you can think of. Coupled with the fact that it is in Westwood Village surrounded by Bel-Air and Beverly Hill and minutes away from the beach and mountains put it in an ideal location. YES Mountains, even from my dorm room I can see snow covered peaks on the outskirts of LA.


The school is just right. I came to this school to get the big school feeling - to sit in the lecture hall with 400+ students, to be lost out in the crowd, yet at the same time to stand out in the crowd. It's a unique feeling and as with all large academic institutions there are TONS of complaints with overcrowding or enrollment. Personal philosophy: if you're going to whine about it, you better have an alternative or better yet, just leave; no one's making you stay. UCLA is an amazing place.


UCLA has everything to offer, so people who arent decided on what they want to pursue can look into a wide array of activities, from cultural organizations to volunteer projects to all sorts of different shit that i ended up never looking into myself. the walk to class isnt great but its good exercise, and you get to see your friends and stuff. the school is very vast but it isnt deathly, the walks can be long but the view is always nice since the building architecture is pretty ornate. being able to say you go to ucla has its perks, it has a great rep it seems, and always ranks in those top 25 universities things that us news does like once a year, also i heard that ucla was ranked the most recognizable university in the world. ucla has a bunch of places where a lot of stuff occurs, of course the hill which is where all the on campus housing is, where there are a lot of events, but also places like ackerman student union which is like the heart of campus, wooden center gym, pauley pavilion gym, etc. westwood has a lot of good food spots also, and some good study spots also, and you can also spot celebs once in a while. there is a lot of school pride it seems, people who go here are generally very proud of it. if there is one thing ill remember about ucla its the wide array of different people i met while here, way bigger and broader of a range than in high school where everyone is from the same community and most of your friends do similar activities as yourself.


The weather is great. People seem impressed when I tell them I attend UCLA. Most of my time on campus is spent in class or in the computer lab. The computer lab is an excellent resource and has programs to use in my classes, as well as internet access.


I like the fact that there are so many things to do at UCLA. Whether its a Monday, or Friday night, if you're looking to procrastinate, you will always be sucessful. The school is extremely large, and it does take some skill to maneauver through the beaurocracy sucessfully. If you are motivated, it is equally as easy to join a club and create a smaller and more intimate community for yourself that will make the school seem much less huge.