University of California-Los Angeles Top Questions

What should every freshman at University of California-Los Angeles know before they start?


Dont' just think about the names or the popularity of the college or university; think about what your kids really want to do in his/her future life first.




It's hard to determine what the "right" college would be for a person - every school is different and every person is different. I suggest taking campus tours before you apply and also talk to the alumni. To make the most of college, remember that you need to have fun too, not just study all the time. This is the time when you're on your own for the first time (meaning, if you have the option to dorm, definitely do it) and where you'll make some life-long friends. Also, look into all the resources the school offers and take advantage of them (i.e. study abroad, internships, IM sports, etc.)


Go to private schools.


When finding out its important to visit and research the professors that you'll be working with so you get an idea of who is ideal to work with. it's also good to stick around for an even to get an idea of social life. once there, i think it's important to be around all the time to get the most out of the experience., after all it is a big commitment and there might be all kinds of resources that might allow you to spend as much time as possible there.


Visit someone who currently attends the University you are considering. It is important to see what life is like on a day to day basis, and ask questions about academics, the social scene, athletics, etc. Know what you are getting yourself into-- college should be the best four years of you life. On a side note, it is all what you make of it. You alone determine your academic success at a University, and you decide on the type of people with whom you associate.


The student should find a school that fits them the best, and not be so focused on rankings and how popular the school is. In the end, it's better for a student to be comfortable and happy in the place where they will spend 4 years. Cheers!


The college experience is meant to make you the person you will become as an adult. I would just advise that the student selects the school where they will have the most fun while learning the real world skills that their career require. Finding a balance of fun and eductation is very important because college is not just a place to learn but it is also a place to grow, live, and a life changing experience. Work hard academically and grow as much as possible in the intellectual aspect, but always keep in mind that college is so much more than that.


When I graduated from High School, I felt like a complete failure because out of all my friends, I was the only one attending community college. It turns out, going to Saddleback Community College was the best life decision I have made to this day. Community College gave me a second chance and the opportunity to learn, work hard, get involved, and go on to better places. When I got accepted into UCLA for my Junior term, I couldn't believe I was going to a school I had ONLY dreamt about going to. If you put your mind in the right place, ANYTHING is possible. The best advice I can give to parents and students is to take your time. Don't rush into a big university if you're not ready. Just because your friends are going doesn't mean it's the BEST choice for you. Do what you feel comfortable with, be completely 100 percent positive about the school you're attending, and most importantly, when you make your final decision, be sure the programs, the faculty, the students, and the social life fit your every college desire! These are the best years of your life!!!!!!


You don't have to go to college.