I guess there are really two stereotypes about people at UCSD. If you ask the general population its probably that there's no social life (hence UC socially dead) but I think there's also another stereotype that comes from UCSD itself, that this is the ultimate safety school. That the majority of people come here when they don't get into Berkeley or UCLA or Stanford or basically any elite school you can think of.
all they do is study
That UCSD students are nerds, don't have type of social life, only go to the library and don't know how to have fun
nerdy, boring, no social life to balance out classwork
UCSD is considered an "academic school." Sports are extremely low key; I ran Track and field and couldn't ever get more than two or three friends to visit my meets! Sciences, Engineering, Economics, and Political science are top notch, but most other majors get the shaft. UCSD students are antisocial, awkward, asian, boring, nerdy science majors. Each subcollege has its own stereotypes: Revelle has awkward asian science majors, Muir is full of lazy potheads, Eleanor Roosevelt has superficial social science flakes, Warren has engineers.
The most common one is that we are nerds with no social lives and that the campus is socially dead.
We study all the time, there's nothing to do on campus.
Nerdy, antisocial, fixated on getting As, asian, boring
They are antisocial. It is a cold university. Some say it's a party school but I would have to disagree...
hmm.. i guess some stereotypes are like everyone's asian; no one ever parties and constantly studies. that's all i can think of for now. :/
Socially awkward and unattractive, bitter about not getting into UCLA or Berkeley.
they're either asian or white, really nerdy, don't know how to socialize (basically we're "socially awkward"), we have a dead campus, we go to the beach all the time, and we ALWAYS have nice weather
Dead campus on nights and weekends. Nerds that study too much.
It has no social life.
Everyone majors in biological sciences, or engineering.
Everyone is a nerd.
Everyone is socially awkward.
That we are the nerds of the nerds and that there are no good looking people on campus. That the campus is very political.
There are many stereotypes about UCSD, the most prevalent of which is that all UCSD are nerds who just study all day and don't do anything fun. Another stereotype is that everyone at UCSD is a science or engineering major (i.e. Bio, Chem, Bioengineering, etc). A third stereotype is that you have to do to SDSU in order to have a good time, because that's were all the parties are at.
U.C. Socially Dead
- UCSD student are the cream of the crop students that have been rejected by Berkeley and UCLA, so there is definetely a large pool if genius here. And the majority of student are asian immigrants, let alone the american born students.
Nerds, no social life or abilities. UCSD = UC Socially Disabled
That the students are all really smart and that the atmosphere on campus is not very friendly. The only parties that go on are study-parties, and everyone is a grimy engineer.