The professors I had were very knowledgable. The campus is in a beautiful location. It is near beaches and central to surrounding areas. Students at this school were very studious and determined.
I love how there are six colleges within UCSD because it gives everyone a chance to come home to a smaller group of people. Coming from a background where friends are important, I felt that it was unique to belong to a certain college. It lets everyone there bond and become close whereas in other large public schools, the only ones you see are the people in your classes.
The best thing about UC San Diego is the great community and is an intellectually engaging environment. These are the best things about UC San Diego because it allows you to discover your potential and fosters your passion in your field of study.
Great faculty in the biological sciencest/bioengineerint field.
My sense of humor. I find that I can always break the ice in the most uncomfortable situations and that makes me a very likable person.
We have very strong research programs that our school is famous for.
This school challenges me to do better. It's a competitive environment, and it's hard to handle at first, but developes one both as a student and as a human being.
The campus is very large so there are a lot of places to hang out. Whether you want to hang out and eat with friends, or want to just relax or study by yourself quietly, there is sure to be a place to do so to your liking.
The best thing about UCSD is the 6 college system. By splitting up this huge campus, more intricate relationships may form, as well as healthy competition and motivation inside the institution. There is a place for everybody.
The best thing about my school is the diversity of students; environment, classrooms, and student’s show there school spirits. UCSD students show allot of school spirit such as Triton Jam they come and support the students who are performing and the school; this is very important because it shows that UCSD students care about the school and the students. Diversity is very important because the school has many different ethnicity and people work together to get things done.
The programs avaliable as an undergraduate to obtain my masters quicker than if I was in another institution.
There are 3 things which I believe make the campus most unique.
(1) Every college has a sort of theme. For example, Eleanor Roosevelt College (ERC) is about international studies, Warren is more geared towards science and engineering, Sixth has a reputation of being the more artsy students. No college looks like another. The dorms are all over different, all the dining halls have their own appeal, and the classrooms are built differently too.
(2) The Stuart Collection - it's a collection of eclectic art pieces all over campus. You'll recognize them when you see them!
(3) UCSD has been named the number 1 college in its efforts to be more eco-friendly.
I think one of the most unique thing about UC San Diego is the environment. We live in such a beautiful place and right beside the beach. Even when it is "cold" you will find people sporting shorts or dresses.
I don't think any other UC has a setting that competes with UCSD's. The campus is huge and there is so much art displayed all over. Here is a website with information on the art you can find at UCSD:
Anna Maria
International House is the best thing at my school, because it offers numerous cultural activities for students to get involved with. Also, they offer apartments to UCSD students, so they can live with students from all over the world and get involved in different cultural activities.
The best thing I consider about this school is the opportunities for biological and scientific research. This school's main focus is truly in the biological sciences as it is one of the leading research schools in the nation. It is well suited for those students who want to go into pre-med/healthcare/research fields in the future.
I really like the engineering department. Specifically the structural engineering department. It's a small department and the students all know each other pretty well. Generally on campus you don't feel like you're part of a family, but in this department, you do. The professors are generally nice and helpful and there is always a Teaching Assistant or professor available to help students who don't understand the material.
One of the greatest things about UCSD is probably Geisel Library. It has a very unique shape and is probably one of the eye-catching pieces of architecture on campus. It has no third floor, and right next to it is the infamous "snake path" that leads from Geisel Library to Warren College. Its highest floors are also infamous for being extremely quiet areas, so quiet that you could possibly be glared at very angrily by graduate students trying to study. It will also one day be your best friend; the best place to gather research for your papers.
The best thing is about this school is the many libraries that it provide for students to study in. Many of our libraries are open early in the morning to midnight. Besides this, there is a library that is open for 24 hours during the 10th and finals week of the quarter. On this campus, there is various centers that student can turn toward to, such as: women center, LGBT center, career center and many others.
It's near the beach so it's convenient to go often.
the amount of opportunities available because it gives you a chance to find what you're interested in