Don't lose sight of who you are. Don't give trust away too easily. Friends over boys. Keep focused in school and don't let the social life suck you in. Be a biology major RIGHT away so you don't get behind. Go into teacher's office hours, it's not as scary as it may seem. Boys here don't want relationships. It's not always necessary to buy books when you can share with friends or get them on reserve at the library, because books are really expensive.
If I could go back in time and talk to myself in highschool as a senior, I would advice myself to look forward to the next four years and embrace every moment and emotion. I would advice myself to not be so sad over leaving home, because you'll come to learn that home will always be there. Most of all, I would advice myself to not be so hard on myself in the next four years, and that there's no need to worry about everything. Things will work out exactly how they are supposed to.
Although UCSB has fantastic resources, no amount of advice can prepare you for what remains in store for you after you graduate. You will question yourself constantly and wonder what you could have done different, when the ultimate irony is you did and continue to do everything perfectly. Your dipolma doesn't light your path, it's just a badge you'll wear as you walk it, and you will get wherever you're going as long as you keep walking. You will get lost, but when you believe in your choices, you'll find your way.
And you know what? People will say your career will have nothing to do with what you studied for your degree, but they are wrong. All those hours spent alone in the oncology lab weren't for naught--they showed you that you don't want to work alone. Embrace those times you cried over circumstances out of your control--now you're stronger. Love all the molecularchemical mechanisms you ingrained into your memory--they will always be there. All these experiences will forever be with you, because they are you.
Now lift your head, shoulders back, and breathe. Don't stop breathing.
To my highschool self: At this time in your life you are happy, determined and loved. You are also scared, self conscious and embarrassed about issues that may be out of your control. Please know that whatever trials come your way does not mean the end of the world. They are the stepping stones to your journey of life. Learn from your mistakes, and do not regret everything. Every heartbreak and every tear are simply beautiful gifts that will make you stronger. Know that everything will be okay in the end, and if it is not okay, then it is not the end. Dear highschool self do not take anything for granted. Life is precious, beautiful, and temporary. Please do not take everything so seriously. Enjoy yourself and enjoy life, and above all enjoy the company and the love that surrounds you. Embrace the gifts you have been given and treat every day as if it is the most precious of all.
Buy a bike! And make sure if you are ever walking around campus, bikers have the right of way so always stop for a biker, they won't stop for you!
If I was able to go back int ime and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would change my study habits and focus more in my test and school work. I would not procasinate on my homework or projects. I would join more clubs at school, such as student government. I could of been in Florida State Univeristy right now if I didn't slack. We all make mistakes and now that I am in college, I now know what mistakes not to make.
I would go back and tell myself as a high school senior not to take everything so seriously, and that it is okay to have a little fun once in a while. I used to take school, tests and sports so seriously that it took the fun out of everything. At UCSB, I know now that it is okay to relax a little bit and not take life so seriously. I do not have to be perfect at everything, and I can follow what interests me. Stress is not as much as an issue anymore, and I don't let the little things bother me. I would explain that everything happens for a reason, and that I should be very happy with my life because not everybody gets the oppertunity to go to college in the most beautiful place in the world.
This is future Marissa saying that you need a reality check. You are not the smartest person and you need to start studying for real. You need to overcome your procrastinating ways and do homework as it is assigned, even if you don't need to turn it in! Stop being nervous about finding friends and worry more about the workload. And I'll say it again, you need to STUDY! College is not like the movies where everything happens perfectly; you need to put an effort to see results. You need to be more outgoing and be willing to risk saying a wrong answer. There are influences in college but focus on your studies and joining clubs to help in the community rather than going out and partying. Most of all believe in yourself and STUDY!
As a high school senior I was very uninformed about what college really meant. Being part of the first generation in my family to attend a university I did not understand the transition to college. As a result, if I had the opportunity to go back in time, I would have reached out more to my teachers and counselors for guidance. Also, I would have contemplated more on my future goal and what I really wanted to focus on in college. In addition, I would ask myself why I didn't look more into scholarships that could have assisted me in my goal of earning a college degree.
I would tell myself to take honor couses and seek career couseling.