University of California-Santa Cruz Top Questions

Is the stereotype of students at University of California-Santa Cruz accurate?


While some people fit this description, this does not describe all or even most of the people at UCSC. I have known all different types of people here, and one shouldn't be put off by the stereotype.


Not really, it's as hard as you want to make it and some majors/classes are more difficult than others but it's definitely not a walk in the park. It is not entirely full of hippies, there are some here but it's a big school and ultimately there are a lot of different people, some just attract more attention than others like any school.




There are people that party at any school, as well as people with liberal views. UCSC has a wide range of perspectives and personalities.


pretty accurate




Not entirely. There are some crazy hippies and just crazy people in general and there are definitely a handful of liberals but there is also a very wide variety of people.


Theres actually a lot of different types of people that go here. Its nice not to have a school where it feels like you need to play a sport and go greek to fit in, theres a group for anyone and everyone. It is pretty liberal though.


There are alot of stoners, but not everyone is one.


for the most part yes. Although only about a third of the school actually smokes weed on a daily basis.