University of Central Florida Top Questions

Here's your chance: Say anything about University of Central Florida!


UCF is the third largest university in the country, with over 55,000 students. We are an extemely diverse school, caterng to all ethicnicities and bacakgrounds. The school is alwys adding on to make the campus better than it was before. In essence, it has everything I could ever need and want.


I allows anyone of any race to receive academic help as well as help with finances and graduating. I have also wanted to go to UCF


I love my school because there are so many different things that it offers for everyone that goes there.


At the university of Central Florida the school offers maids for the dorms, a growing population but there no over crowding in the classrooms. Also, the people are friendly and you quickly adapt to a group of people through the various on campus events.


UCF had more resources to help me out.


UCF is a very exciting, friendly school. The resources here are unbelievable.


Compared to community colleges , universities like UCF force the students to learn more about the material the course is teaching. I experinced this with my art classes. I took Drawing 1 and Design 1 in Valencia Community College. My Drawing 1 and Design 1classes in Valencia did not demand much work out of the students and would give an A for just doing the assigment. After finishing Valencia and taking Drawing 2 and Design 2 at UCF the professors had standards for the students to fullfill and expected many hours to be put in the work.


We have a wonderful school spirit and helpful faculty and staff.


Univeristy of Central Florida is demographically and logistically sound for my degree.


Variety of classes and a very large campus with all the facilities that each student wants. No body is left behind and everyone is treated equally.