University of Central Florida Top Questions

What do you brag about most when you tell your friends about University of Central Florida?


My school is on the large side, but I don't feel like its a dissadvantage. Everyone here is really friendly and looking for new friends and study partners. Also I think the average student here is really focused on their education, without being stuckup and unapproachable.


I love how my school has so many regional campuses. I would have never been able to attend my college and still live with my family had it not been for the closeness of the regional campus. I love the diversity of age groups and how the focus is mostly on academic achievement. My biggest fear attending college was the amount of partying that would be done by my peers. Being a non-drinker, too much of a social scene would have been to my disadvantage. I'm overjoyed with my experience at UCF and would recommend it to anyone!


UCF is a fun environment to learn in with a lot of different types of people attending the university.


I always brag that our school is top of the line and most of our facilities are brand new. With academic buildings and athletic facilities that are no more then 3 years old it provides students and athletes with the best opportunity to learn and perform at the highest level.


I love the reflection pond. Anytime I feel stressed I just go out by the pond and lay out and relax. Also, if you ever need help there is always someone on campus who is willing to help out!


I brag about UCF being one of the largest universities in the nation. Attending a highly populated school provides students with the opportunities to interact with students from different cultures, backgrounds, and race. It is a reminder that America is a "melting pot" of ethnicity and we should be open-minded towards diversity.


i brag about the structure of the campus. everything is in a circle and i love that. also the campus is gorgeous. i also like how "green" we are.


Our athletic teams and venues. Our football team made it to a bowl this year and the Blue Man Group performed at our basketball game. My university is really into sports and getting the students involved. The football games we have certain chants and arm movements to do. Our basketball team plays all the time bringing student together. Our other sport teams are constantly winning tournaments and have clubs for students to join and play on.


UCF is a gorgeous, peaceful campus with a modern design. There are ample opportunities for students to receive a quality education and the appropriate experience needed for a career in their specified fields. UCF is very much involved in the Orlando community, whether it's helping the community's needy or setting up partnerships with companies for students to intern with. Because the university is so large, there is also a varied student population and a huge number of student organizations for interested students to get involved in.


I have to say the campus itself is beautiful! Ucf is a little more than forty years old, but they try to keep it very current. UCF is always building more buildings and adding amenties to the campus to make students feel proud to be there.