University of Central Florida Top Questions

What do you brag about most when you tell your friends about University of Central Florida?


alot of things to do, free food, pretty, great social life


I think what I brag about the most is the fact that there is so much to do. There is about everything you can possibly imagine of on campus and many opportunities to get involved. Also, i brag about the help the school provides to get a high-paying job. It is a lot of fun at this school and a great environment to get an education.


How nice and laid back everyone is. We tend to really get along. There are heated debates among each other regarding politics, religion, drugs etc. But all in all everyone is pretty cool


I always brag about my 3.96 GPA and the straight A's I try to eagerly to attain. Many of my friends have a high GPA because things come easily to them. I bust my hump for every grade I get, and somehow, that makes getting an A more than just a grade. It is an accomplishment. The extra effort is worth it, considering a was a straight C student in high school. My first A in college got me addicted to excellence.


It's like its own city, it has restaurants, a huge library, a convenience story, several huge dorms, and tons of people.


My teachers and how they spark my style of learning.


The teaching staff here at University of Central Florida is exceptional. I have experienced frustrating teachers at other colleges, and find refreshment in the teaching personnel. The professors are always approachable and available outside of the classroom. Going to them for extra help or clearification on the more challenging concepts is welcomed. In the past I have found that some professors have a pompus attitude causing the learning to be strained, UCF is definitely an exception to this. The comfortable atmosphere generated by the proffesors not only offers a plethora of knoweldge, but also allows for an ease of understanding.


The great Digital Media program and the convenince of the campus. You dont have to leave all day. There is a bank, restaurants, coffee shops, book store, drugs stores, clinic, etc.


That we have so many things to get involved in on campus. The events we have here at the University are so much fun, and really amazing. Also the resources on campus like the Writing Center, the Math Lab, and so many more assets that will help all students on this college journey.


not getting into the classes i want!!