University of Central Florida Top Questions

What do you consider the worst thing about University of Central Florida? Why?


It is very big, It can be difficult finding your way around campus.


the worst thing about my school most people find funny is that its huge! Ha and thats the worst thing i can honestly say about UCF CHARGE ON!!


The worst thing about my school is that the cost of the dorms seem quite high. I do not know what other colleges are charging for dorm stay, but wow, i didn't know it was going to be this much.


Driven by greek life, not much emphasis on student success after graduation. very clique oriented not enough diversity.


I would say the worst thing about the school is the reliance of social status in sororities and fraternities, who needs to buy their own friends?!


The worst thing about UCF may also be considered one of the best things about it. UCF has so much to offer, that it can actually be overwhelming. No matter what someone is interested in, it can be found near UCF. Its central location gives this school endless options of things to do, and only four school years to do it all!


Probably the amount of students per classrooms, which does not allow to connect with some professors and other students.


Because it's a large university, it's easy to blend in-between the lines and stay invisible. Although dozens of organizations exist to keep students involved and connected, the possibility for isolation and anonymity still exists. Sometimes that's nice, but it's not always beneficial for individuals. It can be very challenging for students who may already struggle with introversion or depression. It's up to the individual to actively connect to other students, otherwise you're just another face in the (huge) crowd.


The worst thing about the school is also probably conisdered by some to be the best: the size. It is considered the largest physical campus in the nation with a student body of 60,000. Now for me I like people so it is not that much of a problem but I can easily see how it would bother some people.


The worst thing about this school is the amount of people. It's the second largest populated school in America and has 60000 students. This causes a lot of issues registering for classes and can sometimes push graduation back a semester or two. It's not that big of an issue but it definitely causes problems.


The worst thing about my school might be that it has alot of people. It can be a little difficult to truly get to know the teachers and interact with them due to the fact that the classrooms have b/t 100-300 students.


One of the worst choices I have made at UCF would be buying their meal plans. With 3 failed health inspections in the last year, the buffet formerly known as Marketplace has decided to change their name in South 63 to avoid bad publicity. By the end of my experience during the semester, the food slowly degraded and I would often avoid the place like a plague. This semester, I have decided to opt out of the pre paid meal plan and learn to cook for the benefit of a properly cooked meal.


The worst thing about the University of Central Florida is the big class sizes. Having such a large class doesn't allow students to as easily interact and form relationships. A certain human element is removed when you place over 400 students into one class. In that kind of situation, there will always be other students whom I will never have the pleasure of enjoying a conversation with, or befriending.


I don't think it's necessarily a bad thing but it's a big school in a big city. Plus, it is a new school compared to most. Due to this, there is not as much obnoxious pride that other major schools may have. For instance, you may go into Gainesville and immediately you'll be assaulted by gator gear, gator themed restaurants, gator fans, and constantly reminded that you are near the University of Florida. It has old traditions. UCF is young so it doesn't have that sense of pride or traditions yet.


Paying for tuition, loans, housing.


The worst thing about the school is the traffic. The school is one of the largest in the State and its growth has outpaced its ability to modify and create better movement of student. There is a lot of walking from the parking lots which are away from the classes. To their defense they are attempting to create a better atomsphere by adding garages, and working with neighboring 2 year colleges to build off campus classrooms where possible.


The worse thing about the University of Central Florida would have to be the cost of tuition, but our finacial aid office is remarkable.


The worst thing about our school is that there is so many options to get involved in and some students are intimidated to go out and try them. If there was a way to get more students involved, they would have more pride and love for their school.


One of the best charecteristics about UCF is also the school's downfall. The large size of the school makes it difficult to find your place as a student, and feel individual attention by the univeristy.


The worst thing about my school is the lack on on campus housing. On campus housing helps build community and UCF is just to big to provide it right now.