I have been attending this school for 2 years and honestly this is the best school in florida and easily top 5 in the nation you cant beat this atmosphere with that gorgeous Orlando weather. CHARGE ON!
UCF is a great college. It offers wonderful opportunities with many different majors. It caters to us the students. The environment is student friendly.
it is a whole different step in my education and career. it is very huge which makes it easy to get lost, but with the help of all the staff, every and each one of them, i am sure that as a student i will be on the right track.
I honestly love UCF, even though ive only been attending the university for about 8 months. Ive become more social than i used to be in high school, during high school i was a very introverted kind of person. Once i began attending UCF i began making friends in my classes, my dorm, and around campus. Therefore, one of the reasons i love this university is that it allowed me to get over my social anxietys and just go out and do things.
The classes at UCF are more rigorous then any of the classes i took at a community college or in highschool, but putting in effort and studying you can acheive a high gpa and succeed in the university.
The dorms are nice there are different types of dorms all around campus; ones where you have your own room and bath, your own room and shared bath, or shared room and shared bath. My first semester here i shared a room and bath and ended up making a friend for life.
I love how many departments there are all throughout the school. There is always someone available to answer my questions.
If i had one complaint about UCF it would be that its very large and the classes are hard to get into. Because UCF is so big classes have a limited amount of spaces and sometimes it can be hard to register for the necessary classes. Hence where UCF got its name "U Can't Finish" Most classes are only offered in Spring OR Fall so if you fail to get into a class you are forced to wait an entire year before you can try again.
I love University of Central Florida. Being in Orlando there is so much to do in your spare time. To the west 30 minutes are world class attractions such as Walt Disney World, Universal, and Sea World. Being so close to these makes really fun weekends with lots of great memories. To the east 45 minutes is the Atlantic coast line. At the end of a stressful week it is great to be able to go a chill out in the sun at the beach. The only thing I would change about the school is its transportation to all these opportunities for fun in the sun. For a student without a car it is really hard to get anywhere. There are buses that run to and from Waterford Lakes on the weekend which allows for shopping, dining out, or a movie. Other than that though there isn't really transportation anywhere else. UCF is relatively young school. It was founded in 1963 as Florida Technological University. Being such a young school there is definitely a more rejuvenating, alive, and excited vibe to the campus compared to other campuses I've visited. UCF is the second largest school in the nation but it certainly doesn't feel that way. The campus is small and intimate, you can get pretty much anywhere within about 15 minutes. It never feels crowded but you also have the chance to meet someone new everyday. When I tell people I go UCF it is a mixed response. I am originally from Colorado so some people are shocked at the distance. Most people actually don't know about UCF but when I tell them it is in Orlando they are pretty jealous. I spend most of my time on campus in my dorm with my friends. I am part of a special learning community so we have the opportunity to take classes together and go to special events together. Besides my dorm I also spend a lot of my time just walking around campus. I love just watching and exploring because I see something new everyday. Everyone, including me, is proud of UCF and all our traditions.
My UCF experience has been great so far. Though it is a very large and spread out campus it is all centered around the Student Union which is very helpful. No matter where you are you can find your way their and get to your next destination. This also lends to a lot of hang out space for the students. Whether you want to sit by the reflection pond and read, study in the library, or just catch up with your friends in the breeze way or the Union, there is a place for you. There is definately a lot of school pride and activities on campus to keep it up. From movie nights, concerts, Late Knights (which is like a carnival), to ice skating rinks in front of the stadium, there is plenty to do.
The location is also great for college students. All of the major theme parks are within 30 minutes of the campus and students majoring in hospitality can get internships to any of them. Not to mention there are tons of restuarants and hang out spots minutes away.
Most of the complaints are about counselors from the first year advising but this pertains to specific people (they are still working out the bugs). From my experience you can get wrong information from people who really dont know how to answer your questions but try to anyway. This includes locations of buildings to even who you need to speak with about a problem. Luckily though they are willing to work with you. So far our biggest issue has been underage drinking. We have had a girl die after a frat/sorority party that caused a big uproar but the administration is working to change it.
My UCF experience has been great so far. Though it is a very large and spread out campus it is all centered around the Student Union which is very helpful. No matter where you are you can find your way their and get to your next destination. This also lends to a lot of hang out space for the students. Whether you want to sit by the reflection pond and read, study in the library, or just catch up with your friends in the breeze way or the Union, there is a place for you. There is definately a lot of school pride and activities on campus to keep it up. From movie nights, concerts, Late Knights (which is like a carnival), to ice skating rinks in front of the stadium, there is plenty to do.
The location is also great for college students. All of the major theme parks are within 30 minutes of the campus and students majoring in hospitality can get internships to any of them. Not to mention there are tons of restuarants and hang out spots minutes away.
Most of the complaints are about counselors from the first year advising but this pertains to specific people (they are still working out the bugs). From my experience you can get wrong information from people who really dont know how to answer your questions but try to anyway. This includes locations of buildings to even who you need to speak with about a problem. Luckily though they are willing to work with you. So far our biggest issue has been underage drinking. We have had a girl die after a frat/sorority party that caused a big uproar but the administration is working to change it.
I love everything about the University of Central Florida
I am enrolled at the University of Central Florida. But I go to one of the regional campuses. I get all of the benefits of a large university without all of the busyness. I love that the school has an orientation before you start classes. It helps out learn where everything on campus is and what the school is all about. I found it to be really helpful.
Overall University of Central Florida is an amazing school. The number one feature I love about this school is that everyone is friendly. One of my friends transferred from another Florida college. On her first day she mentioned how everyone was very kind to her and that she felt at home. The second quality that I admire about UCF is the large size of the school. At first I was nervous about the size but I learned to make the best out if it by networking and making lots of friends. At this school you'll meet a variety of people with different interests. Also, you'll definitely find many clubs, sports, and activities that interest you.
I love UCF. It's big, full of beautiful women, it's in the heart of Florida, and there is a lot of school pride. Everyone here is friendly, especially your freshman year, and its easy to navigate around.
UCF is a great school with a large campus and student population but I give them credit on creating so many programs that bring students together whether it be student government or "Late Knights" a program once a monthh open to all students to come and have fun. The one experience that I will alwasy remember is UCF's homecoming tradition of jumping into our large reflection pond once a year on the eve of our homecoming game. The experience is surreal and unforgettable having thousands of students within this reflection pool just having fun with one another it made the school feel more close. When I tell people that I go to UCF they usually know someone who also went there, the school has become very popular within the state of Florida.
I honestly LOVE UCF! It's an amazing school with something for everyone to do. It might be a big school but you are sure to make a friend anywhere. UCF has many activities every day ad if you don't want to stay on campus Orlando is amazing, you can go to a theme park, drive down to the beach or even go shopping.
The University of Central Florida is a school that serves more than 50,000 students, and has among the largest student body of any other university. Although this means that all of the general education classes are taught in auditoriums of about 300 students, it also means that there is a lot of opportunity. With over 300 different clubs and the location of the main being less than an hour from Disney, it provides students with many opportunities to get involved or find a job. The hardest thing, in my opinion, for many people to cope with is the student body size. In your first two years of school, you have very little one-on-one interaction with your professors since class sizes are so large, the campus can be somewhat difficult to navigate sometimes, and you might feel a little lost in the crowd. However, UCF has many different degree programs and has a lot of really great professors with amazing accomplishments. In the end, it is truly up to the applicant, a large school can be a good thing if you have the initiative to go out and apply yourself in getting to know people, but if a small, intimate classroom is preferred, UCF might not be the best option.
I think the best thing about this school is everything it has to offer. I immediately got involved on campus with Greek life and that has expanded who I know. When I walk through campus I say hi to so many people a day and this would not have happened if I did not become greek. As large as my school is, being greek makes it so much smaller. Most of my time on campus is spent in the class rooms or trying to find parking. When I lived on campus I would sit in the union with my friends and fellow sisters to eat lunch but as you grow older you have more things on your plate such as a job and an internship that I dont have the hour or two just to sit down and really enjoy the union like others do. There is a lot of school pride and we see that for the tailgates and especially during homecoming week when we all are able to run into the fountain as a school tradition. The biggest complaint this school has is the parking. We all hope and wish they would do something about it as as the school gets bigger you would think they would but they havent yet.
That students at my school are all about partying and that any test can be passed by cramming. At my school the stereotype is that UCF is a party school for engineering students, frats are all about drinking games, and that stoners don't have any motivation. In reality some aspects of these stereotypes are true but not completely true. For example, although UCF is the second largest campus in Florida and was rated as a top party school the students do actually get a lot of work done especially when it comes to grades. UCF is more than just an engineering school, I started as an engineering student but now I'm a business Finance major. Greeks are not just about parties, although they host tons of events its usually to raise money for good causes such as raising money for AIDS or cancer. Ofcourse at UCF sports is a biggie but not before the athletes help out the community through fundraisers for those less fortunate. UCF students are very involved with the community, our programs are top notch, and we definitely do know how to celebrate.
I attend the University of Central Florida. I absolutely love the campus and the Orlando area. No matter what, there is always something for you to do. Orlando is the perfect mix between city life and the country. There is downtown Orlando where you can find the clubs, comedy shows, concerts, sports games or you can go the opposite direction to Oviedo which is just minutes from UCF where you can enjoy airboat rides, fishing and horseback riding. UCF is close to the Orlando theme parks too! You can even buy discounted tickets to the parks from the school. If you want to surf or enjoy the beach, you can be there in under an hour. I love the location of UCF, no matter what you want to do, you can find a place to do it. Due to Orlando being a tourist destination, there are also plenty of jobs available.
University of Central Florida is one of the largest schools in the country, so class sizes can get large when you are taking general education classes. For example, my biology class was over 300 students, but I was still able to talk to the professor. UCF also offers free supplemental instruction for many of the larger general education classes, which I highly suggest attending. Although our university is considerably large, I have also had classes that only have 25 students.
One of the biggest complaints about UCF from students and faculty is the parking situation. Depending on what time you go to campus you can either find a parking spot within seconds or you can spend up to a half hour circling looking for a parking spot.
Overall I highly recommend attending the University of Central Florida. UCF students are friendly and show a great amount of school pride. UCF offers a balance between the large campus experience while also making sure you get quality time with your professors. I can honestly say that I have fully enjoyed my experience at UCF.
UCF is a great environment. With the size of the school, both in student count as well as campus size, there is always something to enjoy. The amount of student organizations is amazing and they cover so much ground. We are up-and-coming in in every way and people love to hear that I am attending UCF. And this is no college town, its a city in itself; that is run very well if you ask me. Although the campus is huge, there is always a map around and 100 students who are willing to give you directions. The administration is great, and a large amount of the employment on campus are actual students who are committed to helping out. Walking around campus, you will be sure to find yourself surrounded in black and gold and UCF all over. Unfortunately so many pluses, there is one minus: Parking. However even this "inconvenience" has become a part of our school culture as everyone jokes about how parking is such a difficulty. Teachers have noted the problem and usually give leniency when it comes to this as they do understand that with such a large volume of students, even the double digit parking lots that we have are sometimes not enough. The academics are great, the gym is great, the social life is great, and that makes the whole experience very worth while.