Get out of your comfort zone, experience new things and enjoy the time that you have with the people around you. College gives you so many opportunities to go out and meet new people, try new things, learn new things but when you are too comfortable it can be absolutely shocking. Don't get comfortable. Give yourself a chance to breathe in between class, homework, scholarships, concerts, games, calling the family, etc. College is a busy time of life and if you dont know how to relax it may kill you. Be confident, you know what you are doing, and apparently the college that accepted you thinks so too. Make connections, get to know your professors and upper classmen, they have experience with all the things that are new to you. Most of all; make it fun. (I promise it can be done)
If I could give myself one piece of advice as a senior in high school, I would first and foremost tell myself to research all possible college options. Choosing what college to go to is a big deal. I had so many opportunities given to me from different schools, but I didn't research well and just went to the school everyone else told me to go to and that had the best academic curriculum for me. I ended up hating it there, and had to transfer after one semester. Before I transfered, though, I researched the schools I had in mind and chose the one I thought I would enjoy the best. If I would have looked at colleges before choosing the first time, I could have saved myself a lot of hardship and trials.
Dear Self as senior in high school,
You are an honor roll student! Don't stress out so much about college and what you will do next. Taking a year off like you are planning to do will be a great idea and a year full of adventure and growth for you. And you really shouldn't be as terrified of your first day of college as you will be. You will do very well!!! College will be one of the most exciting things of your whole life! So hang in there, keep up the good grades, and you will succeed. There are so many good things in store for you that you don't know about yet.
Myself as starting my second semester as a freshman in college
I would tell myself not to worry. College is really not as bad as most high schools make it out to be. It is fun because you are actually learning about what you want to do with the rest of your life.
I would first tell myself to think hard about where to go to school because it only happens once. I let people influence my decision as well as money. I should have followed my lifelong dream of attending KU. I have visited a few times and I absolutely love it there. When I think of a fun college and a good experience, that is the campus that I think of.
I would tell myself to learn how to say no to some of my friends or peer preasure because it doesn't help with school when you procrastinate on studying or doing the homework assigned. I would tell my self to study a little bit each day to get ready for college and to research and know about what my major is going to be in and the availability of the jobs that you can get with a degree in that major.
I would have worked harder at my academics in high school, because grades do matter. Because of my poor performance in my senior year in high school, I took a gap year before enrolling college. That year off really helped me to mature and I have now become more committed than ever to educating myself and I actually enjoy learning. I also would have prepared myself to be more organized and to be a better, more comprehensive note taker.
I would tell myself to keep working hard and not give up even if something is harder than expected. Also, to make good connections with my teachers and classmates because it is so helpful to have a good support system when moving into a different aspect of life. I would also tell myself to focus on school and not let small problems get in the way, because getting my degree and achieving my goals for my life are based a lot on the skills and knowledge that I gain in college, and nothing is worth as much as those experiences. Lastly, I would want myself to know how priviledged I am to be attending school after high school, because a lot of people are not able to have that opportunity, so it shouldn't be taken for granted.
I would tell myself to enjoy every second of my high school senior year and don't let things stand in the way in being yourself. Don't take advantage of all of the great things you have going for you. Give it your all in basketball and soccer and don't let anything stand in your way of being the best and playing the way you play. Don't let drama get in the way and effect who you are. Enjoy it all. Forget about those people who were awful to you, becuase you most likely will never see them again in your life. Just enjoy your friends and don't be afraid to risk some things to figure out who you really are. Have some fun. It doesn't hurt to have some every once in a while with your friends. Don't go into college being all serious. Some times it is okay to put yourself out there to meet people. Make sure school still comes first, but don't be afraid to go out and have some fun and try some new things in reason.
After 38 years, I will graduate with BS Senior Fitness and BA Psychology in May of 2010. I have applied to graduate school and will begin the summer of 2010. I wholeheartly believe that if I had finished my college degree in the early 70's, I would have had a great career in my field and my life would have followed a much different course. Obtaining a college degree while working full time and caring for aging parents is not an easy task, but it is one that thousands of adults do every year.
I would also share how life doesn't end at 40 or 50 and that experience is as viable a teacher as any book. I would teach myself how to effectively learn and retain knowledge. Words of wisdom: "worry is the interest on a loan not yet taken out."