It can be really difficult for a senior in high school to feel confident enough to make the important decision of where to attend college. Make a list of the things that are the most important in your life, then make a list of the things that you would like to experience or incorporate into your life as a college student. This can include things like sports, academic focus, political views, cultural or outdoor activities, study abroad, even family. When you're researching and visiting colleges, keep a copy of your list with you and check off everything on your list that the campus offers. If you don't immediately find programs or activities that are important to you, ask someone! You'll be amazed by how eager the students and faculty are to help you get involved.
When you find a college that has most of the things on your two lists, learn about scholarships and financial aid as soon as possible, so when you apply, you'll have an important advantage to help you get into and stay in the school of your dreams!
Know what you want out of the program you want to get into, and also make sure the surrounding city would be one that you would want to live in when you get off campus. And above all the college experience is what you make of it. If you choose to party that is what you will get out of it, a party. If you you choose to submerse yourself in something you love, you will succeed and enjoy your experience.
College truly is a unique experience and thus the institution should match your goals, dreams and personality the best it can. I have learned over the years that it is not just the program that an incoming student should consider, but the location, student population, faculty, and extra curricular experience as well. The program could be perfect for your education, but if you do not have the support of your professors and friends in an environment that sparks creativty and success, you will soon learn the experience is a lot more difficult than acing the program. With the love and support of my friends at school and the encouragment of my professors in a beautiful location I have been able to excel at college. Our campus is located at the foothills of pikes peak and we are surrounded by gorgeous views from our library and main campus classrooms. One day it snows a winter-wonderland and the next its sunny and shining; the environment is just as important because it speaks to your spirit and keeps you relaxed when school gets stressful! My advice would be: let the school speak to both your mind and soul-your intuition knows best!
Personally, I never feel their is a right or wrong decision for college. I feel that the real question is " what college will one get the most out of socially, academically, and for the future." Also parents and students should start looking at possibilities as the student is in the sophomore year of highschool. This gives both parents and students enough time to weigh out all the pros and cons of each school as well as to make the best all around decision to benifit the student.Another great tip is to visit the campus to make sure it is a good decision. For me money was a huge issue when it should not have been. Many schools have financial aid and scholarships avalable that students should start applying for as soon as possible. Higher education should not be about money, but instead about what will benfit the students the most as they spend time at the university as well as their future. For all students un-sure about where they want to go remember to think about which school will do the most for his or her life during college and after and the decision will become much easier.