University of Colorado Colorado Springs Top Questions

What should every freshman at University of Colorado Colorado Springs know before they start?


I would tell myself to stay in state and if possible to stay in the town I live in. College is a place to learn and not a place to party(all the time). Changing majors 4 different times is not a good idea, just stick with what you first decided to go to college for. I would tell my self that getting good grades as a freshmen and sophmore is key to getting an internship . Last, I would tell myself to get more involved in student research becasue there is where you meet people that have the same interests as you.


Bradley Cooper, A-list actor, graduated with a BA in English when he was 22, enrolled in a three year program at the Actors Studio Drama School, and graduated with an MFA in acting at 25. It then took him fourteen years to become famous. I still haven’t gotten my BA yet. However, I’ve had a great life, good and bad decisions all. But why couldn’t I have realized that college would have helped me years ago? Why did I have to spend seven years in restaurants, bars, and other odd jobs, making next to nothing, to realize that I wouldn’t become a movie superstar, or a famous author, or a successful anything, without a lot of practice, and certainly not without a college degree that is required by almost every major employer? I did learn some lessons from a degree-less life though. I learned street smarts, how to charm, how to lie, how to tell the truth, how to listen, and how to empathize. I don’t wake up every morning and pout about not having gone to college sooner, though it probably would have opened doors and given me a better life sooner.


First and foremost, I would tell myself to take scholarships more seriously. I would tell myself to put more effort and time into finding free money to fund my college education instead of whining and complaining about how expensive college is. I would also tell myself that procrastination is my worst enemy. Procrastinating in high school is bad, but it is worse in college because not only is the workload increased, but the difficulty is also more intense. I have to tell myself to keep myself on my toes and be proactive about everything.


If I had the chance to go back to high school I would tell myself to appreciate the fact that I can study without having to work. I would tell myself to realize how valuable time is and that no matter what you do, you cannot get time back. Every day that passes and everything decision you make adds up to make you the person you will be. Just because we think a decision is small, it does not mean that it will not affect your future greatly. I would tell myself to realize that choosing your career is one of those decisions. I would tell myself to choose my career with time and to investigate whether both my abilities and interests can allow me to succeed in what I’m choosing. College is a wonderful experience and you want to make sure you are making the most out of it. If you know what you want, you will be able to take the classes you need without losing any time. This will allow you to graduate sooner so you can move on to the next step in your life. Remember that without dedication there is no success.


You really shouldn't wait until the last minute to do your work. The semesters get harder as you progress through school. Don't let your social life get in the way of your work. Do not worry about the drama between roommates. Study hard I can not emphasize that enough. You really do like online classes. Keep your head up even when things get harder. You have to work twice as hard to keep your GPA where it is. Don't park in the wrong spot, you will get ticketed. Ask for help if you need it. Swallow your pride when it comes to tutoring. Business calc is hard really pay attention in that class. Stay off of your phone sadly it doesn't help you study. Be proactive, get your stuff done early. Be prepared for team work, I know you don't really like people but it is time to learn some tolerance.


Apply for scholarships! Do not assume that your GPA, your SAT scores, and extracurriculars will be enough to get you enough money to go to school! This is a vital mistake which will keep you from going to your dream school. You can never be too prepared... don't be too hard on yourself, though, for these mistakes. Never focus on the mistake itself, focus on fixing it because that is what is truly important. Just keep working hard, that will get you wherever you are meant to be.


It's going to be a bit different from now. Some of the homework assignments and exams will be more intense. Your free time will often pale in comparison to what you're experiencing these days. But you need to press on. Stalwartness and dependability are going to end up being your greatest assets as a college student. Don't shrink back, even when it feels like you're being overwhelmed. The rewards are so much more than you can even think or imagine. Remember how you were always perplexed about what you'd like to do as a profession when you grew up? Well, you'll find that out soon enough, and you'll be more excited and clearheaded than ever; just so long as you don't settle on a time-wasting party school.


Make sure you remember to find time for yourself once in a while.


If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would let myself know that life is not a race... slow down. I would have told myself that it's okay to be confused about who you are, what you want to do, and who you want to be. I would tell myself not to take life too seriously, and that the glory in living is found when you slow down to realize how much fun and beauty is already all around me - not in another destination. I would tell myself not to try and grow up so fast, because even adults are not always sure of who they are and what they want to do with their lives. I would tell myself that my parents are not pushing me to be my enemies, but rather that they are my biggest cheerleaders. I would tell myself to love other people more openly and don't be too scared to get hurt. I would tell myself a lot of things, but the most important thing is that I really am loved, and I really was loved, regardless of whether or not I knew it.


The biggest piece of advice I would give my senior self is prepare! Apply for colleges early, start looking for scholorships, and plan ahead. The biggest difference between high school and college is in college you are on your own (for the most part). There are more freedoms and responsabilities. These are things that must be managed in order to be successful. But by preparing in high school you can save yourself a lot of stress, time crunching, and money. By applying for colleges early I would have had a clearer plan and course of action. I could have started talking to my advisor sooner and been even more prepared. If I would have started applying to scholorships early I would have firstly increased my chances of winning (I would have completeled more scholorships) and I could of eased the financial burden on myself.