There is always something to do on campus. You can get through a whole weekend of entertainment for free: Thursday night- comedian in the Student Union; Friday night- free movie in the SU; Saturday- Late Night. Students study a lot during the week and take it easy most weekends. Sports at all levels are important from intramurals to the football and basketball teams we take it seriously.
I have two jobs so i dont have time for a group. Most of the girls in my floor keep there doors closed. I met my closest friends in art classes, and another girl from my floor. They are all very cool. (They are only about 6 in total, but thats honestly all the friends you need) If i'm awake at 2am i probably very annoyed that im awake, and doing art work. people always party from thursday till saturday/sunday dawnish. it kinda sucks sometimes when you want to sleep. Apparently its a matter of life and death to join a sororities, as though ones soul is dependent on being a part of a money wasting club. Last weekend I went home, but since i live close by i went to work too. on a saturday night uconn really dont have much to do, honestly, i have tried. off campus i either go to the east brook mall, check out the shops wall around. but if i am feeling adventurous i will head off to buckland hills or showcase cinemas, and have an crazy one person partayyy....sigh.....
On campus many people have jobs, are Greek affiliated, play intramural sports, are in SUBOG, a capella groups, student government, area council, and much more. I was in Area Council last year which provided activities for the North ARea resident students. I also joined the sorority Alpha Epsilon Phi last year. I absolutely love my sorority. I am currently Vice President of Recruitment, which also sits on the Executive Board. I like it so much because I get along well with all the girls and I am able to perform community service, gain leadership skills, and enjoy my social life with them. My closest friends are friends who are also business majors that I met the first week of school and girls from AEPhi (my sorority.
I find that it is most common for students to leave their doors open during their freshman year. This is when most people are trying to make friends, and meet people. After this it is more common that students have already found their circle of friends, and are less likely to keep their room open to their hallway. Basketball and football are both extremely popular sports at UCONN. The dating scene can be somewhat overwhelming because there are so many people at UCONN. I met my closest friends through my sorority, and from living in my building. If i'm awake at 2 am its probably because I can't sleep!! My favorite tradition that UCONN has is Spring Weekend!! Who doesn't enjoy that?! I would say that people party every weekend pretty hard. To me, my sorority is very important, however I am not sure how important it is to other students on campus. Last weekend I partied with friends, and spent time at my sorority house. UCONN provides Husky Howl, which is a late night program held at the student union every weekend. It is a completely alcohol free zone that has tons of fun free activities for students to do, like getting their palms read, having "mocktails", and even making stuffed animals.
Fraternities are very big on campus, which is why i am pledging one at the moment actually and have the most parties. a lot of the social life surrounds fraternities having parties and they are a very good way to meet a lot of people. People party at least 3 days of the week with the occassional 4th day coming whenever thta week. Drinking is my, as well as mostly everyone's, main source of entertainment at parties and as an event on campus.
People are pretty sociable in the dorms as a freshman, not so much as an upperclassmen.
The most popular groups on campus are those student groups which support athletic teams, mostly Basketball, Football and Soccer. I am in the marching band and we are considered pretty nerdy. If students leave their dorm room doors open or not has to do with where you live. In the honors dorm, doors are open a lot, but not in a lot of other places. Athletic events are very popular. If I'm awake at 2 am on Tuesday I am working. Each year we have Spring Weekend, where everyone gets drunk in a parking lot. People party very frequently, and fraternities/sororities are pretty big here. Last weekend I had a visitor from another school who had trouble parking here for the weekend. On a Saturday night, you can see a movie in the Student Union or if you have a car, leave campus. Off Campus there are a few bars and a few fast food joints-- nothing special. In order to go shopping or do something interesting you usually have to drive around 20-30 minutes. No cars allowed until you hold Junior status.
We don't have that much to do outside of campus. Campus is your life, UConn is in the middle of no where, 20 minutes from anything. Saying that we have a theater on campus that plays movies for $2. We have three on campus bars, we have the typical food, we have a wendys on campus, a bunch of blimpies and subways.
We do get a decent amount of guest speakers, not that much, we have comedy shows every other thursday for free by decently famous comedians. Dorm rooms are always open, other than in grad dorms. Overall pretty relaxed feeling, really easy to meet people,, also really easy to stay a recluse.
I'm involved in the crew team. I feel as though it was a awesome experience, I am also involved in the skydiving team, yes we have one of those here. Made some good friends, had some great times, deffinatly something I would suggest everyone try out. We have radio station as well that allows you to do what you want for 2-3 hours a day.
Sports are pretty big here, i deffinatly suggest everyone attempt to go to a game or two at least once. It will make you understand what it's like.
We don't have any really big rival, we have some rivals, but nothing to the extent of UF vs FSU, or like UMich vs Ohio state...