I think the worst thing about the school is the communication between the high up faculty and the students. From a students perspective it seems as if certain things have been completely neglected or over looked, like the grass getting replaced instead of better showers, or the lack of decent plowing on a timely manner. This also leads to seem like the sports players are favorited.
The intese crackdown on parties / drinking. I get it, that's not the image the school wants, it was us to be safe. But it's crossed the line, it's angered the student body, and causes us to be only more reckless in efforts to have fun. We work hard throughout the week, why can't we have a little fun? College is supposed to be the times of our lives but if we're kept being told "no" how can it be?
The worst thing about my school has to be the amount of money that tution costs. I think that it is a bit expensive and that many students go into debt taking out loans in order for them to attend. If i could change one thing is for the school to give more financial aid or for tuition to go down.
The excessive drinking not only by underage persons but by legal persons as well. The common theme I've noticed is "I skipped class to drink" or "10am? time for a shot".
I hate to consider it, but I live in a more rural campus, where the building have not been renovated and rather they are falling apart. If Uconn would pay more attention to other campus rather than the main one. The reason why I hate this because of the integrity of the school will go down if you go to local campuses when it is the same education.
The worst thing about UConn when I was attending, was the lack of amenities. For example, the work out facilities were very small in comparison to the size of the campus population and the parking situation was terrible for students and very expensive. However, over the four years I attended school there the administration listened to students concerns regarding these issues and are working on making changes such as more parking and a state of the art gym.
I do not have any previous experiences in my school, therefore, I can not consider anything to be the worst thing about my school.
If you are unmotivated to learn it is easy to "get by". In my opinion this is a waste of money and the school should pay more attention to the students who do little or no work and just manage to pass classes. This type of student is not good for the school and it is not good for the student either. Other options should be explored and encouraged.
There is nothing bad about my school
The worst thing about my school is that they do not care if you fail. I guess that's how every college is, but I get that feeling here more than I should. Some teachers do not care about your grade, and will even unfairly test you on problems or situations you were not taught how to handle in lecture.
The worst would be not reveiving enough financial aid so that students don't have to worry about paying for school instead they can focus on their academics. And also some of the dormings are relly old and in a bad condition, for the money that we are paying the least we can get is a building in somewhat a decent condition. Parking is the worst also, it takes such a long time to find a parking here, instead of having the option to park behind the building I have to park on the other side of campus.
Having professors or teacher assistants not abling to communicate well with students due to language barrier. Students who cannot understand the professor well have a hard time concentrating and understanding in a classroom. I could not get help in Chemistry because the teacher assistant could not express what he did in words and cannot explain the materials in English.
I'm worried that I will not be able to pay for my education need to recieve my nursing license. I am scared that i cannot afford all 4 years of college.
Terrible academic advising. Professors who are unknowledgable in their field. Few scholarship opportunities. Underrepresentation of Fine Arts. Over emphasis of sports. Very stringent police. Hiking prices every year. Huge campus, hard to walk through several times a day.
It's hard to say what is bad about my school, I don't really spend a lot of time there, due to working full time. I basically arrive at campus for the start of my class and leave right after because it is late by the end. I guess I would have to say the worse part about it is the lack of night classes. I am struggling to find the last 6 classes that will fill the slots I need for my Bachelor's Major and Minor. They don't seem to cater enough to students who work.
Parking. There are not enough parking spots. I usually have to go to the paid parking garage instead of the commuter parking lots even though I have a parking permit.
The worst thing about the University of Connecticut is that it is isolated. Though there is almost everything you could need on campus, you need to drive usually 10 or 15 minutes to reach wnything outside of campus. This is made problematic for new students as you cannot have a car on campus until you have standing as a junior.
I think that the worse thing about my school is I feel like I do not a have access to tutoring in certain areas while in other subjects there are more than enough support.
I didn't actually feel a connection to the school even though the school created lots of programs to attempt to do so. I admit, I was so frustrated with bills it made it difficult to graduate with any school spirit whatsoever.
The worst thing about the University of Connecticut would be that the campus is located in the middle of no where. The University of Connecticut is like its own town/city within Storrs. It would be nice to have a lot more shops and places of entertainment in the surrounding areas. It would be great if Storrs was converted into a college town, with a wide range of activities for students and visiting friends as well as family members.