The University of Connecticut is a great school as far as I can tell. Currently, I am a second semester freshmen at the Greater Hartford regional campus and I like it. If you're really interested in going to Uconn, but is slightly intimated by the size of the main campus, the regionals are just as good. The campus is easily accessible and the professors are always there to help.
Great school. Lots of resources available to students!
The best thing about UConn is the pride that comes from our athletic teams. If I could change one thing, UConn wouldn't be located in the middle of nowhere. UConn's large size is overwhelming for some people but in my opinion it's entirely manageable. When people find out I go to UConn, they mention our sports teams but have nothing to say about its academics. I spend most of my time all over our sprawling campus, since it's huge. We do not have much of a college town yet but there is currently construction underway to create a downtown area. The school's administration, especially President Herbst is doing a superb job, especially considering the challenging fiscal environment. People were very upset when UConn lost Spring Weekend but unfortunately I can understand why a weekend of mayhem was a huge burden on the school and had to be ended. What makes this school unusual is that we have a school of puppetry and our very own ice cream. I will always remember when the Men's Basketball team advanced to the finals of the NCAA championship my freshman year. Most frequently students complain about the wind and other weather related discontent.
UConn is a pretty good school and I'm glad I go there. A lot of people complain about the size, but it really isn't that big once you get used to it. The location isn't the best though, since there is nothing around UConn at all except farm land. If you have a car on campus, the mall in Manchester is only about a 30 min drive. There's a ton of school pride, especially when it comes to sports since we have some pretty good teams. The best way to enjoy being at UConn is to get involved in activities and clubs. They're great ways to meet new friends, they're fun, and they're a nice break from studying and school work. Weekends can be pretty boring though as there aren't many school sponsored activities, which is why a lot of people go out to drink.
There's a lot that goes into my overall opinion of UConn. For me, the best part about this school is sharing the experiences it offers with my best friends. Although the school can seem quite large at a first glance, it gets to be a perfect size the longer you are here. It's not small enough that you remember everyone's face, but it's not big enough that you feel like your missing out on anything. There is a lot of school pride, and the University does a great job of getting the whole student body involved. Not only are there opportunities to go to all of the sport games, but there are also other activities through the year that each student can get involved in. One of the best things I've ever done is participate in Oozeball during Spring Weekend. With me and 7 of my best friends, we competed in a mud-volleyball competition to compete again hundreds of other teams! Although we didn't win, we went as far as to be in the top-12 and got to play several games, as well as take part in the other activities around campus that day.
My over all opinion of this school is that the University does not do enough to please the student body. Rather than listen to the pleas of the student body to improve the student recreational facility, the campus has been under beautification construction since I have been a student here. The campus is large enough where you can get some peace and quiet away from your accustomed social scene, but small enough to run into the same people over and over again if you keep a similar schedule. There is not much of a "town" for the students to hang out in, but a downtown construction project has been started by the town of Storrs and should be partially completed by the end of 2012. There is a lot of school pride because of the sports here .
I love UConn. I didn't know where I wanted to go to college and when I decided to attend UConn I hadn't even visited it yet. The campus is large and beautiful. There are many quiet spots that you can get peace of mind and relax. I like to sit by one of the tow lakes on a nice day or go for a walk. The school pride is one of my favorite parts. Everything has a Husky on it or is white and blue. The sporting events are fun, energetic and make you proud to go to UConn. This campus is in itself a little town. People complain about the dining hall food even thought we have more than six to choose from and that it's windy and cold for about 6 months out of the school year.
Overall, I really do like UConn. Because it's such a large school there are groups and activities for everyone, and though the walking can be a pain the buildings are nice and the academics are strong. The isolation of campus is probably my biggest issue, however... and the longer I'm here the less entertaining the campus becomes. I tend to spend most of my time either in my dorm (almost all of my friends live here) or at the gym though, so I sometimes wonder if I wouldn't be more entertained if I went out more.
I feel like this school has everything that I want in a school. I came here because of its nationally acclaimed pharmacy program and the experiences I have had have not been disappointments. If you're a big fan of the city or shopping, this school might not be the place to you. There's a shopping plaza (Eastbrook) within 10 minutes, but it takes about 40 minutes to go to a fully equipped mall (Buckland). UConn ranks first amongst public universities in New England and in the top 25 nationally. We consistently have nationally contending sports teams. It's a big campus, with bus lines that'll bring you all over, but meeting people with similar interests is the easiest way to make it smaller.
I really enjoy being in this school. It is a great environment for education because its not smack in the middle of a big city. The population is very diverse you will meet students from all around the world. The resources that are available for students are also wonderful. There are so many ways to get involved on campus whether it is extra curricular activities or academic opportunities. This school is just right it is not too big and not too small., it is definitely a college town there is not much to storrs besides Uconn. There are so many things to do and places to visit on campus. It never gets old everyday there is something new to be discovered. The pride at this school is amazing. Once a husky always a husky.
As a CT resident, I was dreading coming to UConn because I figured that the majority of my high school would be coming here and I just wanted to get away from that. Now, I can't really picture myself anywhere else. The school's campus is huge, so running into kids from my high school is a rare occurance. There are just so many activities to get involved with, whether it be sports, clubs, volunteering, basically anything you can think of. My favorite part of UConn has to be the school spirit; even if you weren't into sports before college, all Huskies band together whenever any of our sports teams are playing. It's just great to be a part of such a united school.
UConn is a great university. I believe we are one of the top twenty public universities in the country, and the number one public school in New England. I feel as though I'm getting a great education here. Sometimes I feel overwhelmed by the size, but there are tons of activities on campus that allow you to feel as though you go to a very small school. I would change the location. While Storrs is working on adding apartments, shops and a town center, you should be warned that school is in the middle of nowhere. We are probably fifteen minutes from the highway to get to any large city or town. People are always impressed when they hear that I go to UConn. There is definitely a ton of school pride; our basketball teams are always the best and we are always winning championships and making tournament runs in almost every sport. The food isn't all that great; probably my main complaint about the school.
There are so many opportunities here on campus if you look for them (or read your e-mails!). There are always workshops, sports, clubs to get involved in. No one should ever be bored here! I like that there is something here for everyone (even me!). There is a lot of school pride and a lot of student involvement in various organizations. If I had to change one thing about the school, it would be the surrounding area. It seems to be in the middle of nowhere and I always get shopping deprived without a car, although parking is cheap as of now. They are building more things around campus, but it won't be done while I am here. Many people love the size of the school and I like it more than I thought I would but I still think that I would prefer a little bit of a smaller school. Classes are very large for the first two years or so. On the bright side, there are always new people to met. The faculty and staff is helpful but considering the size of the school, it can take some time and effort to get to them if they are in high demand.
I transferred to UCONN from my #1 choice school in order to get in state tuition. Coming into it I was very apprehensive because I did not really want to go to UCONN. I am a Pre-Vet student and so far the education that I have received here has completely changed my opinion on the school and I am very happy that I transferred.
Once you walk into UConn you can feel overwhelmed on how big the school is, but once you walk around campus once or twice you'll realize that the campus inst that big. UConn is unique because it has a great event services which helps student plan for events and conferences that they are interested in. Around 12{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} of the school is Greek, which is great because it opens your eyes to the concept of sister and brotherhood. UConn has over 500 student groups and clubs. This will allow student to get involved and improve their academia. The Faculty is very involved in student life and making sure that the students stay at UConn is a pleasant one.
I hate it here. It's huge and impersonal. No one cares about academics and I'm sick and tired of all the partying. It seems like if you don't want to party, you have no way to interact with people.
The best things is the many programs and courses it offers.
One thing I would change is put a mall next door if it were at all possible just because it is located in a rural area and I was used to having a shopping mall 5 minutes away from my house.
The school is not too large, but it is large.When I tell people I go to UCONN, they think I must be pretty smart. School pride is defenitely pretty big here especially when it comes to sports, since we do have really great teams. I think one of the most frequent student complaints is the food because it's not always too good and another complaint is the fact that classes may sometimes be far apart and you may have to walk about 15 minutes to get to a class.
To be honest? I love it here. When I was applying to colleges in in 2010, I had no idea what I wanted. I applied all over the US to every type of school (big, small, city... you name it!) and I had no idea what my major was, let alone what I even wanted to do with my life. When I visited UConn, I saw countless opportunities for me. There are so many options for majors and minors. And, if you're not satisfied with your options, you can have your own individualized major! There are so many different academic support services on campus that help you choose a major(s), learn better study skills, become a stronger writer, and guide you through your time here.
Also, I love the environment here. Even in the most stressful times of year (midterms, finals), the students and faculty are incredibly down-to-earth. Sweatpants and t-shirts are a common attire here, which I absolutely LOVE. Oftentimes, the professors love what they're doing and want to get to know their students. Are you nervous about huge lecture halls? Not to worry, all professors have office hours each week available for you to visit them. They love helping you individually with your work, and are more than happy to go over anything again!
The most talked-about thing at UConn, whether you're a student or my Dad, is the athletics. I personally love going to the sporting events and cheering on the Huskies, because it's a lot fun and is so cool to see our school win national championships. Athletics is a major part of UConn, and is a big reason to be here for a lot of students. There is so much school pride on campus with the students, which can get a little crazy at times. For example, Gampel Pavilion, where the men's and women's basketball teams play, was completely filled with UConn students the night of the men's championship game last spring. We all watched the game on huge screens set up in the middle of the court, and had an amazing time. It truly felt like I was watching a game with my family. When that final buzzer went off, we all rushed the court and sang "We are the Champions." It was a wonderful moment, and really brought UConn together. But, believe me, UConn is so much more than sports.
If I'm not in my dorm room, I'm oftentimes and the Student Union. The food is fantastic, and there's always something going on! It's a great place to hang out with your friends, watch a movie in the theatre, eat some great food, meet with your clubs, and many other things.
UConn is an incredibly large school with many students, but I feel that it's the perfect size for me and many others. Walking across campus takes 15 minutes, tops, and is an absolutely beautiful walk in the spring and fall. Once you get involved here, whether in clubs or sports or a job, you'll feel that the campus is a much more comfortable place to be. You quickly make connections here with other students, and feel much more at home. It's easy to feel lost the first few weeks, but you soon get used to the size and all the many buildings. Soon enough, you'll be a pro!
One of the most common complaints about UConn is that it is "in the middle of nowhere." Now, I'm not going to deny that there isn't much going on once you drive off-campus (except for cows :D), but UConn is well-equipped for this issue. This school has so many different things for students to do around campus to keep us happy. There are over 500 different clubs and organizations here - whether you want to be involved in volunteer work, student government, ski/snowboarding, or even a trampoline club, believe me, we have a club for you! And if we don't? Feel free to make your own! On weekends, there's always countless activities going on at the Late Nights in the Union, and the Union Theater is always playing awesome movies (on Fridays, it's free!). Basically, although there isn't much going on outside of UConn, there is plenty of things here on campus that you'll love. The best way to start is to GET INVOLVED. This campus can be a bit big and scary at the start, but it will soon feel like your home once you find something that interests you! In just a month, I joined 2 clubs, and have made some of my best friends through them.
UConn is the perfect place to be yourself. With such a large campus, you will meet every type of person. You'll feel completely comfortable being yourself and getting to know people.
uconn is kind of in the middle of nowhere but that doesn't mean anything. Classes aren't too tough, the school rank has been steadily increasing nationally over the 4 yrs I just went for. Also spring weekend is sick and greek organizations on campus make it a fun place to be with alot of room for partying and rewarding philanthropy etc
the best part about uconn is the psychology department- great professors, great advisors, great dean.
one thing i would change would be the amount of cars towed out of celeorn- that is just ridiculus
it is just the right size- you can get to know profs and ppl well- but at the same time not know everyone you pass
Uconn- storrs is NOT a college town
there is a LOT of school pride- especially surrounding football and basketball