University of Denver Top Questions

What are the most popular student activities/groups?


People drink A LOT. I work at a local pizza place until 3 am weekends and am appalled by the number of drunk underage DU students there are out Thurs thru Sat nights. Frats and Sororities are too much of a big deal. Hockey is crazy popular. Of course, hockey is DU's thing though. I met my friends at transfer orientation and through protests I attended. Students party every weekend, and some Christian groups have root beer keg parties that are alcohol free. Bars are a big deal. The majority of underage students have fake IDs.


DU is very social, people always have their doors open. There are parties everynight of the week. I don't go out everynight, but I know people that do. There are always options!


the main events are sorority and fraternities parties and exhnages, and philanthropic events usually doors in any place of residence are open people date, but most people are in a relation ship long term, or single 2 am on a tuesday, watching a movie with girl friends, maybe on a special occasion out downtown most traditions are sorority or fraternity events people go out thurs and saturday mainly, but other days as well the people in fraternities and sororities plan most events, either within their organization, or as a part of another organization last weekend, a concert and a baseball game on saturday not drinking hanging out going to dinner, watching movies, going to a sporting event off campus go up to the mountians, or outside in general, especially parks, also to the cherry creek shopping district


This campus is all about its fraternities, sororities, and hockey team. Much of the campus culture revolves around those things.


Night clubs, movie nights!!


My first week here a frat boy told me that you don't have a social life if you don't join the sororities or fraternities. While this is not true, the Greek life here is a large part of the social activities offered. They sponsor and arrange the charity events that tons of people always attend. House parties are also popular as are the bars (Jordan's, StickyStar, The Border, The Stadium). However, we are not Boulder. There are not 10 parties to chose from every night, if you want a party you have to know who to call. The lightrail stops right at campus and goes directly downtown so you never have to drive drunk and can access that night life even if you don't have a car. If you don't drink, you find friends who don't drink...and do whatever people who don't drink do...? The dating date someone from our school and everyone knows. Your ex knows your boyfriend who knows your future boyfriend.


First of all, if I am awake at 2am on a Tuesday, it is because of a fire alarm. Those happen too often, but I guess its a way to socialize. Luckily, it has never happened when it was snowing or raining, although there have been nights where it has been pretty cold. Beyond that, it is easy to meet people and make connections because of the variety of programs and events DU offers. Plus, between sports, greek life, clubs, and other groups, people have many opportunities to fit in. DU is not a huge party school, but there are chances to have some fun and meet some really great people. I met my closest friends either from living in the International LLC or through my first-year seminar. Both are unique and valuable opportunities offered by DU.